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 skeletal ['skelәtәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 骨骼的, 框架的

[医] 骨胳的

    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to or forming or attached to a skeleton

    2. <adj.pert>
      the skeletal system
      skeletal bones
      skeletal muscles
    3. very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold

    4. <adj.all>
      emaciated bony hands
      a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys
      eyes were haggard and cavernous
      small pinched faces
      kept life in his wasted frame only by grim concentration

    Skeletal \Skel"e*tal\, a.
    Pertaining to the skeleton.

    1. Local newspapers have been filled with pictures of cracked earth and skeletal cattle.
    2. Authorities searched without finding the body, but two boys found the skeletal remains of a woman on Friday about 25 feet off Route 88 in Westport, just south of where investigators had been looking.
    3. Ralston was ordered to pay $10.4 million to Alpo because it claimed that eating Purina Puppy Chow could help dogs avoid painful canine hip dysplasia, a common skeletal defect that affects larger breeds of dogs when they mature.
    4. But the Treasury gives very skeletal indications to the public at large.
    5. Missouri Rep. Richard Gephardt, who traveled across the state Wednesday and Thursday, has a skeletal organization.
    6. The works of many of these artists, however, with their disease-green and hatchet-cut faces, their bent skeletal limbs and insistent ugliness one may still legitimately find more repulsive than attractive.
    7. Richard Rogers offers Croydon a skeletal tower that provides the residents a permanent low energy light show.
    8. The St. Louis experiments, performed with rats, suggest that someday surgeons may be able to mold a patient's own soft tissues into pieces of bone for hip and jaw replacements and other skeletal reconstructions.
    9. He needs, over the next 10 years, $1.5 billion to $2 billion to expand Amtrak's skeletal network so that it can generate the revenue to run on its own.
    10. He is assisted in his endeavours by Horrifido, a skeletal hound. Sleepy Kids' shares rose 3p to 56p yesterday, a net rise of 15p on the week; on Thursday the directors said they knew of no reason for the strength of the shares.
    11. In 1985, American, Brazilian and West German scientists announced that skeletal remains exhumed from a graveyard in Brazil were those of Nazi war criminal Dr. Josef Mengele.
    12. The "Lady of the Lake" mystery appears to be solved with the identification of skeletal remains inside a Ford sedan hauled from the bottom of Lake Lanier, officials said Saturday.
    13. Authorities suspect a serial killer may be responsible because the skeletal remains were found in a six- to eight-mile radius, in dense woods within 25 feet of Interstate 195 and Route 140, and all are believed to be women.
    14. Others may have learning disabilities, scoliosis - a spinal curvature - other skeletal defects or tumors that disfigure every part of their body.
    15. The network now operates from Jordan and Switzerland to maintain a skeletal economy and keep his cronies satisfied despite sanctions.
    16. If Mr Dafoe were a Chevrolet he would be in mint condition by the end of this film. In a thin movie week - no, let us call it skeletal - you can always read about films rather than seeing them.
    17. The skeletal remains of Miss Lenz, a 17-year-old high school senior who disappeared in November 1986, were found in a grave in the woods Wednesday.
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