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 skein [skein]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 一束, 飞鸟群, 纠纷

[医] 染色质纽, 丝球; 线团, 线球

    [ noun ]
    coils of worsted yarn

    Skein \Skein\, n. [OE. skeyne, OF. escaigne, F. ['e]cagne,
    probably of Celtic origin; cf. Ir. sgainne, Gael. sgeinnidh
    thread, small twine; or perhaps the English word is
    immediately from Celtic.]
    1. A quantity of yarn, thread, or the like, put up together,
    after it is taken from the reel, -- usually tied in a sort
    of knot.

    Note: A skein of cotton yarn is formed by eighty turns of the
    thread round a fifty-four inch reel.

    2. (Wagon Making) A metallic strengthening band or thimble on
    the wooden arm of an axle. --Knight.

    Skein \Skein\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
    A flight of wild fowl (wild geese or the like). [Prov. Eng.]

    1. The over-the-counter market's seven-session streak of gains is its longest rally since a 10-session skein in July.
    2. India's ambivalence toward foreign investment is deep-rooted and bound in a skein of cultural and political threads.
    3. But if Carnegie is finally due to be laid on the shelves of our charity shops, some brief sentiment of farewell must be recorded. Civilised life largely rests upon a skein of white lies, pleasantries and the tolerance of fools.
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