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 reroute [ri'rut添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 变更旅程

    1. A gesture of good will to high school seniors backfired when Charlotte-Douglas International Airport officials tried to reroute planes so noise wouldn't interfere with outdoor graduation ceremonies.
    2. Nynex's New England Telephone, for example, has taught computers to recognize numbers and is using them to reroute phone calls.
    3. Though the two airlines will try to reroute fliers onto other carriers' flights, this will most likely be difficult, as most rival airlines also have been cutting service to cities in the region.
    4. He did not elaborate on how the World Bank might reroute existing resources for the effort.
    5. But techniques are being improved that allow a chip to reroute electronic traffic around a defect.
    6. In the surgical procedure, doctors take a vein from somewhere else in the body and use it to reroute blood around a blockage in the coronary arteries.
    7. Most dispatchers now must wait for a driver to call in before they can reroute a truck or learn if it's delayed, Morlok said. Drivers, in turn, must find a telephone and often wait on hold for the dispatcher, he said.
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