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 rerouting [ri'rut添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 重新选择路径, 重新选择布线

[经] 变更原定航线

    1. The accident forced massive rerouting of telephone calls that ordinarily use the line, which carries about 200,000 calls an hour, said AT&T District Manager Jim Nelson.
    2. Opponents of the agreement say that its basic wage increase is too small and that language in the contract designed to win new business for haulers would allow them to cut the pay on many runs by simply rerouting them.
    3. The Association of European Airlines says the 21 airlines in its group have started alternating schedules and rerouting trips to reduce gridlock.
    4. Some rerouting seems imminent.
    5. Desperate to light up, they are rerouting trips, taking oddball connecting flights or even forgoing air travel altogether.
    6. Among them are an upturn in the amount Australians save and a rerouting of investment into more productive areas, such as manufacturing, from such speculative hedges as property.
    7. The company dispatched as many as 200 people in the San Francisco area to do the work, though most of the rerouting was done by computer.
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