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 rerun [ri:'rʌn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 重新开动, 再度上演

vt. 重新开动, 再度上演

[计] 再运行; 重新运行

[化] 再运行; 再度运行; 再蒸镏

    reran, rerunning
    [ noun ]
    1. a program that is broadcast again

    2. <noun.communication>
      she likes to watch `I love Lucy' reruns
    [ verb ]
    1. broadcast again, as of a film

    2. <verb.communication> rebroadcast
    3. rerun a performance of a play, for example

    4. <verb.creation>
    5. run again for office

    6. <verb.competition>
      Bush wants to rerun in 1996
    7. cause to perform again

    8. <verb.change>
      We have to rerun the subjects--they misunderstood the instructions

    1. The midseason replacement series reached No. 1 in the A.C. Nielsen ratings for the second week of March, and a one-hour rerun special knocked venerable "60 Minutes" out of the Top 10 slot.
    2. "Saturday Night Live" will be pre-empted this Saturday and will use a rerun next week if the strike goes on.
    3. Generally, the studios in the rerun fight have appealed to members of Congress, who are big beneficiaries of Hollywood's campaign contributions.
    4. The request may get a receptive hearing at the Justice Department, which sided with the networks in telling the FCC it believed the rerun rules were no longer necessary.
    5. From remote island outposts to the crowded streets of London, New York, Moscow and Hong Kong, young and old will don "I Changed the World" T-shirts for an enlarged rerun of Sport Aid '86.
    6. As a result, the personal care products giant does not face a rerun of the election.
    7. "When you bought Polaroid in April 1972 at 65 times earnings, you were buying infinity." Now, Mr. McCarthy worries about a rerun.
    8. In rerun, the same dispute made the same deadlock inevitable.
    9. The early episodes make you long for a rerun of the crash of 1987.
    10. A rerun of NBC's "Golden Girls" was fourth and a preview of the network's new comedy "Sister Kate" was fifth.
    11. The other is called "This Week in TV History." The one-hour series, airing opposite CBS' top-rated "60 Minutes" and ABC's "Life Goes On," also plans to rerun highlights of NBC shows broadcast in the preceding week.
    12. Demand for such programs as reruns is declining, and the producers want to tie payments to a show's success in the rerun market.
    13. Negotiators for the studios, led by Warner Bros. Chairman Bob Daly, then asked the FCC to extend its June 14 deadline for filings on the rerun issue.
    14. Gay and lesbian community leaders said Saturday they have launched a letter-writing protest against ABC-TV's refusal to rerun a controversial"thirtysomething" episode featuring two men in bed.
    15. Some fear a rerun of the Maastricht debate, with a polarisation of views and the British Conservative government held hostage by its Euro-sceptics.
    16. A few current shows may even be canceled by their own studios because of the poor outlook for later rerun sales.
    17. In the end, the fate of the rerun rules came down to three commissioners, known as the "Gang of Three," who wouldn't bow to his will: Sherrie Marshall, Ervin Duggan and Andrew Barrett.
    18. If the rerun rules ultimately are lifted, the entire U.S. entertainment business could undergo a realignment as television networks would be freed to acquire, or merge, with the studios that supply most of their prime time series.
    19. Because of these and other changes, many Thai market watchers now consider a rerun of the 1979 crash unlikely.
    20. Mr Julian Callow, economist at Kleinwort Benson, commented: 'The key factor that the short sterling contract does not yet appear to have accepted is that the 1990s will not simply be a rerun of the 1980s.
    21. "The average consumer west of the Hudson River is going to say this market plunge is just a bad rerun.
    22. NBC televised a rerun of the show.
    23. But if Irving people are made to feel vanquished, the merger will be a rerun of Mellon Bank Corp.'s flawed 1983 acquisition of Girard Co., which resulted in an exodus of key Girard personnel.
    24. Hale appeared in 65 films but became famous as the captain who led a mismatched band of castaways on "Gilligan's Island," which blossomed into one of the most often rerun shows in TV history.
    25. The Italian concert in 1990 was chaotic, passionate and full of unrehearsed good humour. The 1994 rerun had all the charm and spontaneity of a petrol pump clicking up dollar totals. As for the football which followed - why bother?
    26. CBS's usually top-rated "60 Minutes" came in second Sunday to a rerun of the one-hour premiere of ABC's "America's Funniest Home Videos, preliminary ratings from A.C. Nielsen Co. showed Monday.
    27. Despite an earnings decline for Time Warner's film business in the fourth quarter, the operation posted record earnings of $377 million for the full year, up 20%, due mostly to rerun sales of television series.
    28. Just as the networks and studios refused to compromise, so did Mr. Sikes, who decided early on that the rerun rules were antiquated, unwarranted and should be repealed.
    29. Mr. Sikes has said that the FCC will hold a hearing this fall to hear all sides of the rerun debate, and that the commission hopes to issue a ruling in the first quarter of next year.
    30. The networks, in contrast, are barred by federal rules from reaping rerun profits and can own only a few shows.
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