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 repressing 添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adj ]
    restrictive of action
    a repressive regimean overly strict and inhibiting discipline

    1. He and his aides have also been blamed for covering up the country's problems and repressing independent political and cultural thinkers.
    2. Last year he fined six multinationals Dollars 100,000 for repressing stocks to force up prices. The companies now have 15 days to send details of their cost structures to the Justice Ministry.
    3. Mr. Milosevic turned the tables on the Albanians in Kosovo, repressing them as they had allegedly repressed the Serbs.
    4. South Africa's white rulers considered Mphephu a valuable and cooperative ally, but black activists condemned him for repressing dissent in Venda, the smallest and least viable of South Africa's four nominally independent tribal homelands.
    5. It is this last bit of hermeneutical maneuvering that allows him to claim that Courbet was "repressing (and at the same time inadvertently disclosing) his ideological identification with music-mania," whatever that may mean.
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