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 reproachful [ri'prәutʃful]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 申斥的, 非难的, 应责备的

    [ adj ]
    expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective

    Reproachful \Re*proach"ful\ (-f?l), a.
    1. Expressing or containing reproach; upbraiding;
    opprobrious; abusive.

    The reproachful speeches . . .
    That he hath breathed in my dishonor here. --Shak.

    2. Occasioning or deserving reproach; shameful; base; as, a
    reproachful life.

    Syn: Opprobrious; contumelious; abusive; offensive;
    insulting; contemptuous; scornful; insolent; scurrilous;
    disreputable; discreditable; dishonorable; shameful;
    disgraceful; scandalous; base; vile; infamous.
    -- {Re*proach"ful*ly} (r?-pr?ch"f?l-l?),
    adv. -- {Re*proach"ful*ness}, n.

    1. In even more roles than that, Christine Cairns was delightful, starting with reproachful Maman; the duet of her Chinese Cup and Peter Hall's Wedgwood Teapot was both magical and funny.
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