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 rely [ri'lai]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 信赖, 依赖, 信任


    Rely \Re*ly"\ (r?-l?"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Relied} (-l?d"); p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Relying}.] [Pref. re- + lie to rest.]
    To rest with confidence, as when fully satisfied of the
    veracity, integrity, or ability of persons, or of the
    certainty of facts or of evidence; to have confidence; to
    trust; to depend; -- with on, formerly also with in.

    Go in thy native innocence; rely
    On what thou hast of virtue. --Milton.

    On some fond breast the parting soul relies. --Gray.

    Syn: To trust; depend; confide; repose.

    1. We would like to do more, but it would be wrong to rely on government funding alone. The industry, which stands to reap the direct financial benefits, must also play an active role.
    2. Shaywitz said her study shows that doctors should not rely soley on schools to identify children with learning disabilities.
    3. Soviet businesses also have been told to become self-sufficient because they can no longer rely on the state to bail them out.
    4. Large companies do not rely on clearing banks anyway.
    5. Robert Gardner, whose family company Gardner & Son Inc. is on Cotton Row, said smaller firms still rely on the exchange for market information.
    6. But it would not be disastrous to rely on what is actually happening.
    7. Borans, who rely on honey as an important part of their diet, also hunt for honey when no greater honeyguides are around.
    8. By contrast, he says, small companies without consultants usually rely on a single broker who may work with only one insurer.
    9. The outlook isn't bright for property and casualty insurers that rely more on investment income, which slides along with rates.
    10. The trust also is to rely on its 80 percent ownership of Manville stock for funding after the first three years of the plan. If the depressed stock price doesn't rise, the trust's assets will be hurt severely.
    11. Sudan's official radio and television and independent newspapers rely heavily on SUNA for news, especially from outside Khartoum.
    12. Chrysler Corp. will rely on a stripped-down version of a compact car to fill a void left when the company stops making subcompacts, a Chrysler executive said.
    13. Foreign countries that rely on imports of corn and other coarse grains are getting edgy about the global supply and price outlook for the year ahead, an Agriculture Department analysis says.
    14. Like Island, most "independents" already rely on industry giants to manufacture and distribute their records globally.
    15. The series also was forced to rely heavily on its secondary stars, Allyce Beasley and Curtis Armstrong, during Miss Shepherd's absence.
    16. Under Soviet occupation, many Latvian factories were designed to rely exclusively on raw materials supplied from Russian sources.
    17. You can't rely on market forces alone to create fair, competitive conditions."
    18. The Sony prizes cover a wider field of radio than any single writer could know, and rely on judges - 38 this year - each expert in his own field, as well as the Society of Authors, the Radio Academy and Smash Hits.
    19. "We rely considerably on the companies' independent auditors."
    20. Small companies can still prosper, but many will have to rely on niches and direct-mail marketing.
    21. Most African economies still rely on one or two primary commodities, which altogether account for about 80 per cent of Africa's export revenues - roughly the same as 20 years ago. The fall in the share of the world market has cost Africa dear.
    22. "What we've tried to do in the past is rely on the Constitution for protecting individual rights," said Rep. Don Edwards (D., Calif.), chairman of the civil and constitutional rights subcommittee.
    23. To the extent that the $150 million budget will allow it, Mr. McDonough will rely on solid wood, rather than plywood or particle board, to limit the emission of formaldehyde.
    24. Mr. Snow said the new plan would rely primarily on voluntary responses of employees who agree to leave the company.
    25. Improvements to other roads are equally urgent, but have to rely on government money. The choices in health and education are more complex.
    26. "Helping the PCAs to survive the financial strain brought on by this year's drought is particularly important, because the district's farmers and ranchers rely on their PCAs for short-term credit," he said.
    27. The president claimed the bill would force employers to rely on quotas in the minority hiring practices.
    28. Federal Reserve officials monitor the labor figures particularly closely and rely heavily upon them in setting credit policy.
    29. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is slated to receive $30 million by charging for fingerprint services in civil cases, and the judiciary will rely on another $32 million from bankruptcy charges, including a 33% increase in the current filing fee.
    30. But Colombian officials were embarrassed by the implication that they might have to rely on U.S. soldiers to fight their battle with drug cartels, and President Bush himself quickly tried to quash speculation that he would send troops.
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