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 remade   添加此单词到默认生词本
vbl. (remake的过去式及过去分词)再做, 重造

    Remade \Re*made"\ (r?-m?d"),
    imp. & p. p. of {Remake}.

    1. On returning this week to Barcelona for the 25th Olympic summer games, I wandered about a city remade and felt like a stranger striking up a new acquaintance.
    2. Eugene Levy directed. Men Of Respect is Macbeth remade as a Mafia thriller.
    3. Party pros remade his image, junking glasses and rumpled clothes for contact lenses and tailor-made suits.
    4. And that is how it has been remade _ as a temporary set for a four-day pageant, less suspenseful than an afternoon quiz show but brimming with patriotism and spectacle.
    5. But on the third night of his stay the other twin bed in his room had to be remade." I explained that I had stripped the bed clean and used the mattress as a table to arrange my notes.
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