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 remainder [rɪ'mendɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 剩余物, 其他人, 残余, 余数

vt. 削价出售(图书)

vi. 削价出售(图书)

a. 剩余的, 出售削价剩书的

[计] 余数

[经] 剩余物, 残余部份, 地产的指定继承权

    [ noun ]
    1. something left after other parts have been taken away

    2. <noun.linkdef>
      there was no remainder
      he threw away the rest
      he took what he wanted and I got the balance
    3. the part of the dividend that is left over when the dividend is not evenly divisible by the divisor

    4. <noun.quantity>
    5. the number that remains after subtraction; the number that when added to the subtrahend gives the minuend

    6. <noun.quantity>
    7. a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold

    8. <noun.artifact>
    [ verb ]
    1. sell cheaply as remainders

    2. <verb.possession>
      The publisher remaindered the books

    Remainder \Re*main"der\ (r?-m?n"d?r), n. [OF. remaindre, inf.
    See {Remain}.]
    1. Anything that remains, or is left, after the separation
    and removal of a part; residue; remnant. ``The last
    remainders of unhappy Troy.'' --Dryden.

    If these decoctions be repeated till the water comes
    off clear, the remainder yields no salt.

    2. (Math.) The quantity or sum that is left after
    subtraction, or after any deduction.

    3. (Law) An estate in expectancy, generally in land, which
    becomes an estate in possession upon the determination of
    a particular prior estate, created at the same time, and
    by the same instrument; for example, if land be conveyed
    to A for life, and on his death to B, A's life interest is
    a particuar estate, and B's interest is a remainder, or
    estate in remainder.

    Syn: Balance; rest; residue; remnant; leavings.

    Remainder \Re*main"der\, a.
    Remaining; left; left over; refuse.

    Which is as dry as the remainder biscuit
    After a voyage. --Shak.

    1. About $1.1 million will be used to reimburse the state attorney general for legal costs, and the remainder will be used to establish a nonprofit corporation to train state employees on insurance regulation and oversight.
    2. Analysts see falling mortgage rates leading to continued but slow growth in the housing industry for the remainder of the year, similar to that projected by the leading indicators for the overall economy.
    3. The remainder would subsequently be swapped for the preferred in a second-step transaction after the group has control of the company.
    4. The remainder of the issue, $31.1 million pure waters districts bond anticipation notes were purchased by a Kidder, Peabody & Co. group.
    5. Those and the remainder of the Braniff order form the core of the transaction under discussion between America West and Airbus.
    6. It hopes that Lottery money and the general public will provide the remainder. The ENO has been quieter about its plans but unless around Pounds 25m is raised soon its early 20th century building could decline into squalor.
    7. Nomura produced its second downgrade in a week and turned cautious on the stock, arguing that the food distribution arm - the most significant contributor to Booker's profits - would continue under a cloud for the remainder of the year.
    8. Fenchurch's management will acquire the business for an initial payment of #30.5 million ($47.3 million), with #30 million of that sum in cash and the remainder in an interest-free unsecured note.
    9. The sales force has been cut from 25 to 14, with the regional sales network being axed and the remainder concentrating on key accounts such as supermarkets. The company said cost savings from the measures were expected to amount to more than Pounds 1m.
    10. The city provides housing for about 28,000 homeless people, 12,000 of them in welfare hotels and the remainder in shelters, said spokeswoman Suzanne Trazoff of the Human Resources Administration.
    11. The Poles said they pay the remainder of the interest later, but financial markets are dubious.
    12. A spokesman said that although earnings may not continue to double from a year earlier, the company expects "significant" earnings increases through the remainder of fiscal 1988 and in fiscal 1989.
    13. Mr. Reagan must decide whether he wishes the remainder of his presidency to be a party to these evasions.
    14. The remainder will be used with other funds to expand the company's satellite communications facilities in New York and Los Angeles.
    15. A third of the remainder are strongly leaning to Vice President George Bush or Gov. Michael Dukakis, leaving just 23 percent of voters as the undecided group that is likely to decide the election, the poll found.
    16. Of those shares about 58.3 million rose in price, while 18.3 million fell; the remainder were unchanged.
    17. Ahead of the snow, rain and thunderstorms extended from the remainder of Kansas and Oklahoma into eastern Texas, producing marble-size hail in Oklahoma.
    18. Every move towards that goal, meanwhile, is picked apart in the political piranha pool. Undoubtedly, the more savagely the government allows British Coal to cut capacity, the easier it will be to privatise the remainder.
    19. The small remainder were held for so-called status offenses, such as truancy or running away.
    20. Crown, which announced earlier this week that it would be acquired by Random House, owns Outlet Book Co., a thriving remainder and reprint operation.
    21. About 5 percent was second-class _ magazines and newspapers _ and the remainder bulk mail.
    22. About 88% of the purchase price was paid in Snyder's common and preferred units and the remainder in cash.
    23. The remainder did not respond or gave other answers.
    24. State aid to the mine now consists of a guaranteed loan of 220 million rand, including a provision for an interest subsidy on the bulk of the loan, with the remainder being interest-free.
    25. That is not to deny the strength of underwriting recovery in the UK, which made up the remainder of the profits increase. Like General Accident, CU has now nosed into underwriting profit on most of its UK personal lines.
    26. The managers will own about 75%, First Chicago 10% and the remainder will go to Hellman & Friedman and perhaps to the bank lender, Mr. Brinson said.
    27. He cautioned, however, that rates seem to be moving up again, and predicted that overall "construction will not contribute to economic growth for the remainder of the year."
    28. Of the total, 935,000 will be offered by the company and the remainder by shareholders, via Prudential-Bache Securities.
    29. The remainder are to leave by Feb. 15.
    30. It must try to create a political consensus on where spending can be cut, and how revenues can be raised to pay for the remainder.
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