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 rebuilt   添加此单词到默认生词本

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    1. Last Oct. 27, then-President Reagan recommended that the building be razed and rebuilt from the ground up.
    2. The company has applied for permission to sell its rebuilt Beetles in the U.S., arguing that because they are technically used cars, they shouldn't be subject to new-car emissions and safety standards.
    3. A fire early Tuesday heavily damaged a 12th century church that had been partially destroyed by the Great Fire of 1666 and rebuilt by Christopher Wren.
    4. The United States has donated eight rebuilt Huey helicopters to cover an area the size of Texas.
    5. "Basically the whole bottom has been rebuilt," said Peter Zschiesche, business representative for the machinists union at the shipping company. "The middle of the bottom, that's been ripped out, back to front.
    6. It was rebuilt in 1986 and had no significant maintenance problems, he said.
    7. The book "So Young, So Gay," a collection of Atlantic City historical facts, tells of numerous piers built and rebuilt since 1880, mostly for entertainment purposes such as concerts.
    8. Town officials didn't think the house could be rebuilt and had scheduled it for demolition.
    9. The chateau that stands there now was built in the late 18th century and rebuilt in 1910.
    10. It is near the Federal Detention Center, which was rebuilt after it was destroyed by fire during an eight-day siege by Cuban detainees in November 1987.
    11. But deficit reduction is a general goal, not a specific one like the highways and bridges that are to be rebuilt with the proceeds of the California gas tax boost.
    12. "Our reputation has not been fully rebuilt" since the Challenger disaster, the official added.
    13. In the 1980s, however, when students are perceived to be to the right of their academic mentors and "student life" administrators, the apparatus of universities "in loco parentis" is being rebuilt with a vengeance.
    14. Because of structural defects, part of this Grade II-listed building had to be rebuilt to make it a gracious, six-bedroom, Georgian town house on six floors.
    15. None could have been rebuilt under the FEMA restriction.
    16. "The company was near bankruptcy in the late 1970s, Clarke came in as chairman and he rebuilt it.
    17. The pilots and flight attendants abandoned their sympathy strikes just before Thanksgiving, but Eastern had since rebuilt as a smaller carrier and hired mostly non-union workers to replace the strikers.
    18. And if the true Lakeland appearance of the forest is to be preserved, dry stone walls will have to be rebuilt and maintained, at heavy cost. 'Would a private-sector company take so much trouble?' wonders Hatfield, rather implying that they would not.
    19. Bill Finch, harbormaster at what's left of Wild Dunes Marina on the Isle of Palms, said Sunday he doesn't know how things will get rebuilt.
    20. This memoir, though, is about more than rebuilt engines and propeller shafts.
    21. 'From a manufacturing point of view it was a nightmare.' Boilers had to be cut open and rebuilt, gaskets replaced, pressure lines tested and a shell-hole in the soft drinks unit cemented over.
    22. The radio said the destroyer Sabalan, which was rebuilt after being severely damaged in March 1988 by the U.S. fleet protecting merchant ships in the gulf, was launched by Khamenei.
    23. The launch pads were further rebuilt to handle the Titan 4 launches, he said.
    24. Now its future is very uncertain: damaged by bombs but not ruined, can it be rebuilt or should it be demolished to allow a new tower to rise?
    25. The Steffs, fully insured, rebuilt their small funeral home with two viewing rooms, but took the opportunity to move their living quarters to a house in another part of town.
    26. Police stood by as strike supporters rebuilt them.
    27. A prominent writer said Tuesday the Soviets are still blaming the devastation of World War II for their poor performance in agriculture and industry, while Japan and West Germany have rebuilt and prospered.
    28. The city center was rebuilt and has since suffered several less serious quakes.
    29. And he signed off with their motto, "No higher honor." That's the spirit, skill, and dedication that has been rebuilt in all our Armed Services today. "No higher honor" could be the motto of every American in uniform.
    30. He said workers many times are trying to repair homes that really should be leveled and rebuilt from scratch. "We're putting so many good hours into jobs and when they're done, they're (homes) not worth 5 cents," he said.
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