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 rebut [ri'bʌt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 反驳

vt. 辩驳, 反驳, 揭露

[法] 辩驳, 反驳, 驳回

    rebutted, rebutting

    Rebut \Re*but"\ (r[-e]*b[u^]t"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Rebutted};
    p. pr. & vb. n. {Rebutting}.] [OF. rebouter to repulse, drive
    back; pref. re- + bouter to push, thrust. See 1st {Butt},
    1. To drive or beat back; to repulse.

    Who him, rencount'ring fierce, as hawk in flight,
    Perforce rebutted back. --Spenser.

    2. (Law) To contradict, meet, or oppose by argument, plea, or
    countervailing proof. --Abbott.

    Rebut \Re*but"\, v. i.
    1. To retire; to recoil. [Obs.] --Spenser.

    2. (Law) To make, or put in, an answer, as to a plaintiff's

    The plaintiff may answer the rejoinder by a
    surrejoinder; on which the defendant may rebut.

    1. Ms. Davenport asked Municipal Court Judge Francelia Totty to declare Ms. Wells innocent, but said she wanted her sister to rebut some of the testimony offered by police.
    2. Japanese government officials, eager to rebut foreign criticism of Japanese investments overseas, hailed the transaction as proof foreigners can make similar investments in Japan.
    3. "The only way to do that is to get evidence from the school to rebut what was put on the W-2," she says.
    4. They allege mismanagement and conflicts of interest in the Lecs. Scottish Enterprise however, welcomes the inquiry and claims to have lobbied for it in order to rebut criticisms.
    5. Ms. Hartley, 46, could have cited a resume of 25 years' experience on stage, screen and TV to rebut that estimate, but she did not so elect.
    6. The initial rush of publicity was seen by virtually everyone as negative for Wright, but Democratic leaders argued that as they rebut the specific charges the public will come to believe that Wright is being held to an unjust standard.
    7. During the panel's lengthy consideration of it, senior Democrats made sure one or all of them were present to rebut his assertions and attempt to overcome his tactics.
    8. This allows a monopolist to put a spin on the facts while other interested parties, which might be able to rebut its position, are kept in the dark. Mr Graeme Odgers, the MMC chairman, yesterday acknowledged the importance of regulatory openness.
    9. It was even defensive to the extent that NatWest wanted to rebut criticism and prove that it was willing to set an example. The results of the audit will be published in stages during this year through to October when the programme should be complete.
    10. Statements obtained in violation of a defendant's Sixth Amendment right to legal help may be used to rebut his trial testimony.
    11. "I hate to dignify the publication by commenting on the obscene rating," Mayor Carolyn Robinson says, adding that cities have no way to rebut the book.
    12. "My only concern is to rebut any suggestion that it has acted in any way improperly or unlawfully," he said.
    13. The announcement appeared to be another effort to rebut West German accusations that East Germany was wasting money on weapons and military expenses even though its army faced dissolution after unity at the end of this year.
    14. Mr. Fahmy, operations manager since March 1984 under Mr. Tota, said yesterday that he "would rebut these charges entirely" and be proven innocent at trial.
    15. Col. Moammar Gadhafi has stepped up a campaign to improve Libya's foreign image and rebut charges that he is building a chemical weapons plant.
    16. The facts easily rebut them.
    17. Finally, what we know about Mexico's 1988 comprehensive environmental law indicates that it may be sufficiently stringent to rebut the "pollution haven" argument.
    18. Meanwhile, Michael Milken's lawyers said they would release their client's own memorandum, which seeks to rebut many of the government's charges, today.
    19. If the defense clearly does present an insanity defense, then the prosecution will be prepared to rebut the testimony, he said.
    20. Since that story appeared there has been something of a rush by other analysts to rebut it.
    21. "But here they sold out 4% in a single day." Morgan now has 15 days to rebut the commission's charges, after which the case will be heard before an SEC administrative law judge.
    22. Ms. Walton, 38, a cabaret singer from Dallas and longtime friend of the defendant, Joel Steinberg, appeared as a defense witness to rebut Ms. Nussbaum's testimony that she never abused Lisa Steinberg.
    23. North and Poindexter might not be entitled to disclose as many secrets to rebut charges that they lied to Congress or obstructed a presidential inquiry into the Iran-Contra affair.
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