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 rebutting 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 辩(揭露)

  1. This evidence need not be conclusive or irrefutable, and evidence rebutting the case may not be considered.
  2. Tomorrow, Liam Byrne, immigration minister, will issue a separate report rebutting the recent claim by a parliamentary committee that immigration was not positive for the economy.
  3. STATEMENTS IN REBUTTAL: (This is optional). Statements rebutting the argument made by the opposition. Rebuttals are not exchanged. They may be reviewed at King County Elections upon request.

Rebut \Re*but"\ (r[-e]*b[u^]t"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Rebutted};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Rebutting}.] [OF. rebouter to repulse, drive
back; pref. re- + bouter to push, thrust. See 1st {Butt},
1. To drive or beat back; to repulse.

Who him, rencount'ring fierce, as hawk in flight,
Perforce rebutted back. --Spenser.

2. (Law) To contradict, meet, or oppose by argument, plea, or
countervailing proof. --Abbott.

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