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    1. California's press shield law, which forbids holding reporters in contempt for withholding confidential sources or unpublished material, provides ironclad protection in civil cases, the court said in a unanimous decision.
    2. The legislation provides only about one-fifth of the amount requested by the administration for a manned space station.
    3. The six-month period provides a better picture of the companies' sales than the 10-day periods.
    4. It provides for both criminal and civil prosecution and carries penalties of up to $50,000 for each day of violation and imprisonment of up to six months.
    5. Bank of New England provides a referral service where workers can find help.
    6. The deal provides for a daily crude oil supply of 135,000 barrels.
    7. The problem with this action is that the US government provides local companies with a powerful lever just by having the procedure in place.'
    8. It provides for negotiations on an overall settlement after five years of Palestinian autonomy.
    9. The current account deficit provides a measure of the amount of money the nation must raise abroad, principally from borrowing, to finance the economy.
    10. Workfare also provides job knowledge and contacts that can create job opportunities.
    11. The treaty also provides for destruction of ground-launched cruise missiles and their launchers at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base near Tucson, Ariz., said Ms. Franklin.
    12. "It's not clear to me that this approach will provide sufficient deterrence, nor is it apparent that it responds adequately to clients, since it provides no direct remedies to them," says Deborah Rhode, a professor of legal ethics at Stanford Law School.
    13. Through the discount facility, the Bundesbank provides domestic banks with liquidity at the lowest rate it has to offer.
    14. Today's growth management makes land more valuable by limiting development and provides no motivation for more efficient uses.
    15. Utilicorp provides electric and gas service to seven states.
    16. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. and the United Rubber Workers Union tentatively agreed to a new three-year accord that provides for cost-of-living adjustments in each year of the pact, but no wage boost.
    17. "It's disappointing," said NRC spokesman Joe Fouchard. "We've attempted to craft a rule which provides for early decision making." Fouchard said the commission would have to examine the court ruling more closely before deciding on a next step.
    18. But fund officials said the Santa Fe Pacific Realty investment provides an opportunity to buy a stake in a large real estate portfolio heavily weighted with California properties.
    19. In addition to the baseline inspections in July, both sides can begin destroying missiles under terms of the pact which provides for the elimination within three years of all missiles with a range of 300 to 3,400 miles.
    20. For Pearson, which publishes Britain's Financial Times and has other publishing and investment banking interests, the success provides some good news after a series of disappointments.
    21. It provides such things as home banking, shopping and airline reservations.
    22. In some cities, Citibank provides personal bankers so that customers can become familiar with the same person over time.
    23. The agreement provides for a referendum on independence in 1998. During the intervening 10 years the territory would be divided into three provinces with more autonomy.
    24. Singapore also provides much-needed facilities to handle spare parts, store other materials and support Air Force fighters and cargo planes.
    25. "This is a golden age for Japan," Reagan told some 600 people attending a banquet in his honor. "A genuine golden age provides the world with a distinctive idea, a philosophy, a cause, a greater good.
    26. June usually provides a break in the monthly flow of red ink because corporations and individuals make quarterly tax payments in the month.
    27. The peace accord provides for sharing political power equally between Moslems and Christians, ending the traditional dominance of the Maronite Catholics, the main Christian sect.
    28. Bush signed the legislation, which provides more aid than he had sought, at a reception for the presidential mission at Blair House, the official guest residence across the street from the White House.
    29. It also provides cash incentives to award high-performing schools, and punishments for lagging school districts.
    30. Similarly, "tradition" provides no answer to teen-age pregnancy, which made its sharpest 20th-century jump during the 1950s, though the problems associated with this were obscured by the falling age of marriage.
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