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 province ['prɑvɪns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 省, 地方, 职权, 领域

[法] 省, 地方, 领域

    [ noun ]
    1. the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation

    2. <noun.location>
      his state is in the deep south
    3. the proper sphere or extent of your activities

    4. <noun.state>
      it was his province to take care of himself

    Province \Prov"ince\, n. [F., fr. L. provincia; prob. fr. pro
    before, for + the root of vincere to conquer. See {Victor}.]
    1. (Roman Hist.) A country or region, more or less remote
    from the city of Rome, brought under the Roman government;
    a conquered country beyond the limits of Italy. --Wyclif
    (Acts xiii. 34). Milton.

    2. A country or region dependent on a distant authority; a
    portion of an empire or state, esp. one remote from the
    capital. ``Kingdoms and provinces.'' --Shak.

    3. A region of country; a tract; a district.

    Over many a tract
    of heaven they marched, and many a province wide.

    Other provinces of the intellectual world. --I.

    4. A region under the supervision or direction of any special
    person; the district or division of a country, especially
    an ecclesiastical division, over which one has
    jurisdiction; as, the province of Canterbury, or that in
    which the archbishop of Canterbury exercises
    ecclesiastical authority.

    5. The proper or appropriate business or duty of a person or
    body; office; charge; jurisdiction; sphere.

    The woman'sprovince is to be careful in her economy,
    and chaste in her affection. --Tattler.

    6. Specif.: Any political division of the Dominion of Canada,
    having a governor, a local legislature, and representation
    in the Dominion parliament. Hence, colloquially, The
    Provinces, the Dominion of Canada.

    1. Insurgents overran seven Afghan army posts in Logar province in the first week of April and, on Monday, a 450-unit Soviet convoy including more than 100 armored vehicles headed south toward the province from Kabul, the diplomats reported.
    2. Insurgents overran seven Afghan army posts in Logar province in the first week of April and, on Monday, a 450-unit Soviet convoy including more than 100 armored vehicles headed south toward the province from Kabul, the diplomats reported.
    3. In announcing the policy, Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa said that the province is concerned that its population of 6.5 million people, most of them French speakers, may soon decline.
    4. The chef Rasit Ozdemir is from Bolu, a province famed for its cooks.
    5. In the province of Warsaw, which includes the city and surrounding villages, local governments have paid only 3 percent of their annual dues to the provincial government, the Zycie Warszawy newspaper said.
    6. Mandela said the white towns in eastern Transvaal province, where he spoke, were deeply racist and should immediately end segregation of recreational areas and other public facilities.
    7. With ideology playing a relatively small role in Canadian politics, voters' minds can change quickly and often. Observers point to recent experience in the province of Alberta.
    8. She hopes to establish Sisters of Charity missions in Maputo, the capital, and the northern province of Nampula, AIM reported.
    9. The province has an estimated population of 3 million.
    10. "We have conquered Jalalabad from the opponents," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Nabi Amani, quoting the province's military commander, Gen.
    11. He said he would have preferred a full referendum of his province's 550,000-plus residents.
    12. In San Fernando, 140 miles north of Manila, officials issued flood warnings for residents along the Agno river in Pangasinan province.
    13. More than 250 people died in flooding in central China's Hunan province last month.
    14. Eritrea, the northern province of Ethiopia, is the homeland of some three and a half million people.
    15. He has been rewarded by acquiescence, if not enthusiasm, from the leader of the province's most important political party. It will be harder now than it has ever been to sustain that careful political balancing act.
    16. The support was solid for the free trade agreement in Mulroney's native Quebec, the French-speaking province where entrepreneurship is credited for a 1980s economic revival, and in the Western oil-and-gas center of Alberta.
    17. Sind province officials met Ishaq Khan at the airport and briefed him on the massacre.
    18. The passengers were traveling to Nakhon Ratchasima province to celebrate the Thai new year when the bus crashed Wednesday in Manorom district in Chainat, 120 miles north of Bangkok, Pichet said.
    19. In an interview Tuesday in the N'Djamena, Information Minister Adoum Moussa Seif said Gaba was killed by an army patrol in central Guera province in 1987.
    20. The school sent two teachers to neighboring Henan province to buy 10,340 pounds of apples.
    21. The communists' best chance for a Senate seat was Henryk Stoklosa, the wealthy owner of a fertilizer company in western Pila province who waged Poland's most expensive election campaign.
    22. Forty-six people died and 67 were injured when a train in Liaoning province, south of Jilin, collided with a bus on Dec. 23.
    23. Police also reported wounding a black man when they fired a shotgun at a stone-throwing group of blacks in Bongelethu, a black township near Oudtshoorn in western Cape province.
    24. The attack occurred Monday in a remote area of Zelaya province, 250 miles northeast of Managua, as Sister Courtney and three other church workers drove in a church pickup truck from the town of Rosita to Puerto Cabezas.
    25. Yugoslav police seized 41 ethnic Albanians suspected of trying to sever ties between Belgrade and the southern Kosovo province.
    26. The quake, which measured 6.7 on the Richter scale, struck at 5:34 a.m. near the town of Batang, which is close to Sichuan province's western border with Tibet, the State Seismological Bureau said.
    27. Iraq annexed Kuwait six days after the invasion and last week the former emirate was declared Iraq's 19th province.
    28. It has since accused Libya of supporting rebels based in Sudan's sparsely populated Darfur province, where the Khartoum goverment exercises practically no control.
    29. The group wants to unite the predominantly Protestant province with the 95 percent Catholic Republic of Ireland under socialist rule.
    30. Nearly 100 friends and relatives were invited to the ceremony and banquet in coastal Fujian province, it said.
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