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 providing   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Provide \Pro*vide"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Provided}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Providing}.] [L. providere, provisum; pro before +
    videre to see. See {Vision}, and cf. {Prudent}, {Purvey}.]
    1. To look out for in advance; to procure beforehand; to get,
    collect, or make ready for future use; to prepare.
    ``Provide us all things necessary.'' --Shak.

    2. To supply; to afford; to contribute.

    Bring me berries, or such cooling fruit
    As the kind, hospitable woods provide. --Milton.

    3. To furnish; to supply; -- formerly followed by of, now by
    with. ``And yet provided him of but one.'' --Jer. Taylor.
    ``Rome . . . was well provided with corn.'' --Arbuthnot.

    4. To establish as a previous condition; to stipulate; as,
    the contract provides that the work be well done.

    5. To foresee.

    Note: [A Latinism] [Obs.] --B. Jonson.

    6. To appoint to an ecclesiastical benefice before it is
    vacant. See {Provisor}. --Prescott.

    1. We look forward to providing a unique and exciting shopping experience to the region." Macy's operates 149 department stores in the United States under the names Macy's, Bullock's and I. Magnin.
    2. The town may be dying, and though the mall out by the interstate and the Wal-Mart at the edge of town may be providing a commercial alternative to the town, they still haven't replaced the commerce and cohesion of town life.
    3. The telecommunications company said the judge granted a waiver for the FTS-2000 bid, but didn't rule on whether the Bell companies would violate the consent decree by providing switching services generally.
    4. These are a quick way of providing companies with telephones because they use radio links and so no roads need to be dug up. Once fixed networks are in place, the cellular ones will be used for mobile communications.
    5. Currently, the Japanese bank assists U.S. exports only by providing loans to the Japanese buyers.
    6. The 100th Congress, ending a productive two-year run with an early morning flurry of legislative action, sent President Reagan a compromise bill providing new weapons to fight the war on drugs.
    7. Khaled said last Christmas that Ms. Valente had given birth to a baby girl after a seven-month pregnancy "from an illegal relationship with Fernand Houtekins." Emmanuel Houtekins said the kidnappers were "providing us with wine and beer.
    8. Miners in the Maritime Region (around Vladivostok) are not providing for the power-engineering workers' requirements, and there aren't any deliveries from other areas. 'Power stations are already using up reserve stocks of coal.
    9. Closer federal supervision is needed to avoid a savings-and-loan style crisis among government-sponsored enterprises providing low-cost loans to home buyers, farmers and students, congressional auditors said Wednesday.
    10. Apart from a standard database providing an overview of financial markets, Pulse offers foreign exchange, various indices, equities and metals.
    11. Equities have not been providing the established brokers with a high life of late and the banks' subsidiaries would have had a hard time eking out a living on the stock market. But the tiny plot they have been allowed to cultivate has been a fertile one.
    12. Mrs. Cox estimates CHAMPUS was providing $17,000 in home health care every month.
    13. About 10,000 U.S. soldiers are stationed in Panama under the Panama Canal treaty, providing security for the waterway.
    14. According to the sources, Carlucci has approved the idea of "providing flexibility" to the Navy on convoys.
    15. American Centennial says in its complaint that Mr. Ambriano and its own manager, Mr. Kraeutler, suckered it into the Aegis business by providing a false history of the utilities' past claims.
    16. After serving in the Pacific providing protection for aircraft carriers, the Iowa was decommissioned in 1949.
    17. De Klerk says he is committed to ending discrimination, but major apartheid laws, including measures providing for segregated neighborhoods and schools, remain in force.
    18. Most major industries sit outside the city limits, providing no tax base, and it's estimated that more than half of city residents get government aid.
    19. Prosecutors said Thursday a senior diplomat was arrested as a spy, the fourth government employee seized this month and accused of providing secrets to East Germany's former Communist rulers.
    20. Much to the relief of Austrian stockbrokers, bankers and the business community, the ceasefire in neighbouring Yugoslavia is providing an incentive for foreign investors to return to the Vienna stock exchange.
    21. And it establishes clear guidelines and limits, providing an exception for providers of personal services such as baby sitters or housekeepers to recognize the privacy of the family, the marriage contract and the home.
    22. Quintiles Transnational Corp. is the market leader in providing a full range of integrated product development and marketing services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries.
    23. At the same time, the authority says it saves rate-payers nearly $1 billion a year by providing lower-cost power than that generated by other New York utilities.
    24. That reflected a higher level of concern about garbage collection than for providing affordable housing or expanding police and fire protection, said Allen Moore, president of the trade group that represents waste disposal industry.
    25. Awash in money from the annual Open, which it operates, the USTA spends about $3 million a year providing coaching and other sustenance for the more-promising of the young American players.
    26. IBM said this was the first time it had bought into a company providing computing services to a particular industry.
    27. Perhaps they will now persuade Congress to banish the lobbyists and let a reforming president get on with the job of providing it.
    28. "We are a substantial cash generator and had been looking at a special dividend or repurchasing shares" as ways of providing stockholders with a way to immediately receive a return on their investment, a National Health Laboratories spokeswoman said.
    29. Jersey City is providing the first test of a law enacted in January giving New Jersey power to take over chronically troubled schools.
    30. Time and Warner, which originally planned to merge in a stock swap transaction, revised the deal in response to Paramount's $10.7 billion hostile bid for Time, providing instead for Time to acquire Warner in a $14 billion, $70-a-share tender offer.
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