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 prefect ['pri:fekt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 长官, 地方行政长官

[法] 县长, 地方行政长官, 司令官

    [ noun ]
    a chief officer or chief magistrate
    the prefect of Paris police

    Prefect \Pre"fect\, n. [L. praefectus, fr. praefectus, p. p. of
    praeficere to set over; prae before + facere to make: cf. F.
    1. A Roman officer who controlled or superintended a
    particular command, charge, department, etc.; as, the
    prefect of the aqueducts; the prefect of a camp, of a
    fleet, of the city guard, of provisions; the pretorian
    prefect, who was commander of the troops guarding the
    emperor's person.

    2. A superintendent of a department who has control of its
    police establishment, together with extensive powers of
    municipal regulation. [France] --Brande & C.

    3. In the Greek and Roman Catholic churches, a title of
    certain dignitaries below the rank of bishop.

    {Apostolic prefect} (R. C. Ch.), the head of a mission, not
    of episcopal rank. --Shipley.

    1. Fiona is a Sunday school teacher and school prefect who hopes to study law, while Katharine is a music and drama buff who wants to be a doctor.
    2. He added that to Fascists, the Bologna bombing was "morally unacceptable and idealogically inconceivable." There was no immediate response from the prefect, Bruno Ciccone.
    3. In his petition to the city prefect, or Interior Ministry representative, Vittorio Mussolini asked for the removal of the word "Fascist" from descriptions of the attack on plaques at the train station and the city hall of Bologna.
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