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 preference ['prefәrәns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 偏爱, 优先, 喜爱物

[计] 首选项

[经] 优先权, (与信托会计有关)

    [ noun ]
    1. a strong liking

    2. <noun.feeling>
      my own preference is for good literature
      the Irish have a penchant for blarney
    3. a predisposition in favor of something

    4. <noun.cognition>
      a predilection for expensive cars
      his sexual preferences
      showed a Marxist orientation
    5. the right or chance to choose

    6. <noun.cognition>
      given my druthers, I'd eat cake
    7. grant of favor or advantage to one over another (especially to a country or countries in matters of international trade, such as levying duties)

    8. <noun.attribute>

    Preference \Pref"er*ence\, n. [Cf. F. pr['e]f['e]rence.]
    1. The act of Preferring, or the state of being preferred;
    the setting of one thing before another; precedence;
    higher estimation; predilection; choice; also, the power
    or opportunity of choosing; as, to give him his

    Leave the critics on either side to contend about
    the preference due to this or that sort of poetry.

    Knowledge of things alone gives a value to our
    reasonings, and preference of one man's knowledge
    over another's. --Locke.

    2. That which is preferred; the object of choice or superior
    favor; as, which is your preference?

    1. Steinhardt Partners, a US hedge fund manager which holds 30 per cent of Ransomes' preference shares, almost gained 15 per cent of votes in Ransomes earlier this year because of preference dividend payment arrears.
    2. Steinhardt Partners, a US hedge fund manager which holds 30 per cent of Ransomes' preference shares, almost gained 15 per cent of votes in Ransomes earlier this year because of preference dividend payment arrears.
    3. The FNFC issue of convertible preference shares, a rescue operation, came as the consumer credit company announced a Pounds 32m pre-tax loss for the year. This, at least, was fact rather than rumour.
    4. Members attending ANPA-TEC saw the difference and demonstrated an overwhelming preference for the Leaf." If an AP member newspaper does not want an AP Leaf Picture Desk, it may keep its present photo receiver or accept a two-minute receiver.
    5. Although the union will express its preference, it will not formally endorse a candidate, said Gary Hubbard, an aide to USW President Lynn Williams.
    6. Pickens said the distribution policy will be reviewed quarterly. The cut does not affect preference unitholders, who will continue to receive 37.5 cents for six additional quarters.
    7. For a year, Eastern filled vacant pilot jobs by giving preference to the new-hire list, rather than the returning striker list.
    8. Dukakis, who won a non-binding preference poll, picked up a fraction of a delegate.
    9. Interest on the bonds will be treated as a preference item in calculating the federal alternative minimum tax that may be imposed on individuals and corporations, according to the preliminary official statement.
    10. Of 1,200 delegates responding thus far to the survey, 534 said they had no preference.
    11. Existing procedures give preference to certain applicants, such as those who are female, minority and from the local community.
    12. 'There is none.' The problem would be eased by a shift in consumer preference away from white fish.
    13. He added that proponents of the preference policy would pressure Congress to pass legislation reversing the appeals court's decision.
    14. Among the few investment trusts which do not rank preference shareholders on top is Scottish National Investment Trust.
    15. BREAK FOR THE BORDER: Throgmorton Preferred Income Trust is to subscribe for 3m 8.75 per cent preference shares with 1.79m warrants attached, at 56p per share.
    16. The Massachusetts governor was well-organized in the state, where Democrats must vote for delegates as well as indicate their presidential preference.
    17. But personal preference never got in the way of the business of collecting, for the King bought and commissioned from both artists regardless.
    18. Cardinal Sin has indicated his preference for another candidate, former Supreme Court Chief Justice Marcelo Fernan.
    19. The public offering of BRITISH GAS PLC shares was "substantially oversubscribed" and individual investors will receive preference in the allotment of shares, the British government said.
    20. He has an uncommonly straightforward demeanour, and a preference for action. Before the takeover, Hoesch's management was working on a restructuring plan called Hoesch 2000.
    21. The decision by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia followed a March 31 ruling by another panel of judges at the court that found a companion FCC minority preference policy was unconstitutional.
    22. In the event, he has decided on the need for more funding and new management initiatives. The preference shares are being converted into ordinary.
    23. Without this preference, the companies would be taxed at the 34% ordinary income rate.
    24. Even allowing for his preference for substance over form, he managed also to appear thoroughly presidential.
    25. S&P said it increased the rating on $620 million of senior debt and $125 million of preference stock to single-A-plus from single-A-minus, and boosted the rating on $400 million of subordinated Eurodebt to single-A from triple-B-plus.
    26. Doing so won't necessarily put an executive in the minimum tax, but the difference between the exercise price and the stock's fair market value when it was purchased is a preference item.
    27. But the main classes of shares are: stepped preference, zero dividend, income and capital. The stepped preference shares are entitled to a 5 per cent increase in dividend and asset backing per year.
    28. But the main classes of shares are: stepped preference, zero dividend, income and capital. The stepped preference shares are entitled to a 5 per cent increase in dividend and asset backing per year.
    29. Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis holds a slim lead over Jesse Jackson but many likely Democratic voters are undecided on a candidate going into Wisconsin's April 5 presidential preference primary, a new poll indicates.
    30. It also offering 89.3 new zero dividend preference shares at 103p for every 100 old zeros, equivalent to 91.979p.
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