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    [ adv ]
    more readily or willingly
    clean it well, preferably with warm waterI'd rather be in Philadelphia
    I'd sooner die than give up

    Preferably \Pref"er*a*bly\, adv.
    In preference; by choice.

    To choose Plautus preferably to Terence. --Dennis.

    1. The point is you've got to have a president who's prepared to do this and to begin right away and, preferably, a president who as a governor of a state that's had very, very successful experience at doing this.
    2. A clearer focus, preferably involving just one stop for local government, would allow targets to be better defined and progress to be regularly monitored.
    3. If you want to see for yourself, the best way to visit EuroDisneyland is to go off-season, preferably when it is not too cold, or too wet.
    4. But it will be as vital as ever to ensure that pay does not run ahead of productivity performance, and preferably some way behind. It is time the government began to make that clear, rather than hinting at jam tomorrow.
    5. One official told reporters that Quayle was interested in the proposal but was insistent on the U.S. position that Noriega must step down at once and preferably leave Panama.
    6. These distinctive capabilities, as he calls them, fall into four broad categories and can occur singly or - preferably - in combination. One is innovation, a fragile advantage because it is easily replicable by competitors.
    7. Allow a day, or preferably two, to drive down from the Channel coast. Another area not much publicised in Spain is Galicia, in the north-west above Portugal.
    8. Tammy Bakker asked the congregation to help the ministry find a new site to lease _ preferably for no more than $5 per square foot.
    9. Mr. Greenspan's position is that "I've always been supportive of lowering the capital-gains tax or preferably eliminating it." Rather predictably, House Speaker Tom Foley yesterday said the idea is dead on arrival.
    10. If it grows too large, stems can be shortened or removed, preferably in May but certainly by August.
    11. Far better would be pictures of men, preferably seductive, foreign men.
    12. The investor group Coniston Partners said last month that it would press for a recapitalization of UAL unless the United Airlines parent presented a buyout plan, preferably one involving employee stock ownership, by Monday.
    13. In 1972, Mr. Reagan's objective wasn't supporting Nicaraguan rebels, but finding a way to reduce state taxes, preferably through a constitutional amendment.
    14. Migration is an issue that governments are anxious to talk about among themselves, but preferably without being overheard. It is a doubly embarrassing subject.
    15. Brokers, who control the fate of exchanges because they have the power to direct orders, want the five exchanges to stagger the start of trading in the 32 new options, preferably five at a time over a period of weeks.
    16. "We put them out hoping somebody starts a fire somewhere, preferably on an oil well," Mr. Kelly joked.
    17. On Sunday, she told followers that services would continue to be held there until the ministry found a new, inexpensive site to lease, preferably for no more than $5 per square foot.
    18. The foreign firms are using these rubles to buy large quantities of Soviet goods - preferably raw materials - export them and make huge profits, the bank said.
    19. Cook for a few minutes more and check seasoning before serving with plenty of good bread, preferably Portuguese cornbread, or boiled or steamed potatoes.
    20. All of the Interbourse attendees have been invited to participate in "Winterskol," Aspen's annual winter festival, and to march in the Winterskol parade, preferably dressed in their team uniforms and carrying their countries' flags.
    21. His main aim is to keep his workforce intact until the government decides to build more tanks, preferably for countries in the new Commonwealth of Independent States. He wishes that the Ukrainian military still formed part of the Soviet armed forces.
    22. The fact-finders could make nonbinding recommendations to the parties on how to resolve the dispute, preferably through a settlement rather than through litigation.
    23. Reducing the deficit, with emphasis on budget cuts in middle-class benefits as well as new taxes, preferably on consumption, is an absolute necessity.
    24. Then, with exchange rates known to be fixed into the indefinite future, international commodity arbitrage and mutual monetary adjustment would ensure convergence to the same rate of commodity price inflation (preferably zero) in all three countries.
    25. Now, with Kuwait in the hands of an invading Iraqi force and U.S. troops preparing to defend Saudi Arabia's oil fields, the United States seems poised to take Saddam on _ preferably through an economic blockade backed by an international armada.
    26. But after finishing a distant fourth in Monday's Iowa caucuses while Robertson placed second, behind Dole and ahead of Bush, Kemp's White House bid hinges on at least a third-place finish in New Hampshire _ preferably ahead of Robertson.
    27. "The treatment is to get them to repress their sexuality _ restrict their sexual experience only to an emotional relationship, preferably marriage.
    28. But as much as anything, its mission is to create a premium image, and preferably command a premium price, that will rebuild IBM's prowess and profit margins in a business that is starting to resemble the hawking of the lowliest of commodities.
    29. Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, said he supports placing authority for futures and stock margins with the same regulator, preferably the SEC. Currently, the Fed regulates securities margins.
    30. The Soviets want money and the Germans want to give it to them, but preferably with other Europeans chipping in.
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