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 payback   添加此单词到默认生词本
[经] 报酬率

    [ noun ]
    1. financial return or reward (especially returns equal to the initial investment)

    2. <noun.possession>
    3. the act of taking revenge (harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done) especially in the next life

    4. <noun.act>
      Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord
      For vengeance I would do nothing. This nation is too great to look for mere revenge
      he swore vengeance on the man who betrayed him
      the swiftness of divine retribution

    1. Using tuition figures for public colleges, which educate about 77% of all students, the payback time is down to about 11 years, from about 17 in 1979, before the big tuition mark-ups.
    2. Now, it has joined MCA Home Video in an "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial" rebate deal with promotional displays for a $5 payback in more than 60,000 stores. There's a slick TV commercial, and a potential Pepsi cost of $55 million.
    3. To flaunt the extraordinary payback, he held a lavish press conference where he stood before a mammoth blowup of a check for $800 million, the company's final payment.
    4. Dukakis officials have suggested a payback rate of one-eighth to one-quarter of 1 percentage point of earnings per $1,000 borrowed, meaning a tax of 2.5 to 5 percent for a $20,000 borrower.
    5. "We got hit a lot more by payback from the 2.9% financing" than either Ford or Chrysler did from their comparable incentives, argues William Hoglund, the GM vice president who heads the Buick-Oldsmobile-Cadillac car division.
    6. The total can then be divided by the amount you would save monthly on mortgage payments to determine the "payback period" _ the amount of time it would take you to recover your refinancing costs.
    7. The payback, however, will depend on how rapidly the company's management can develop the product and bring it to market, Mr. Shah says.
    8. GM executives blame a predictable "payback" in the wake of the industry's recent, highly successful offers of low-interest loans and hefty rebates.
    9. Biotech research consumes much time and money, with any payback far in the future.
    10. And it's about payback.
    11. The technology is available; the payback time for additional costs is reasonable.
    12. There is a 12-year payback period with a five-year grace period on the new loan.
    13. Beyond that are 'retrofit investments with a payback period of around two years'. The technologies which have qualified for inclusion within the basic two year payback period have varied over the years, according to the price of fuels.
    14. Beyond that are 'retrofit investments with a payback period of around two years'. The technologies which have qualified for inclusion within the basic two year payback period have varied over the years, according to the price of fuels.
    15. But it is demanding a restructuring of payback terms and a more cooperative attitude from creditor nations and banks.
    16. When the payback came, Idol grinned widely as the naked men cavorted onstage in a conga line, wearing only masks or T-shirts over their heads.
    17. Southmark officials admit creditors may initially balk because of the low payback, but Weiss said, "We think that we have put forward a plan that ought to be appealing," and "at the end of the day," creditors will vote to go along.
    18. When repaid on a biweekly schedule, a $70,000 mortgage at 10.5% annual interest produces a savings of $60,000 compared with a standard 30-year payback.
    19. It is payback time and I am empty-handed.' In Khan Younis, Mr al-Rubi put it another way as he stood in the rubble of his house.
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