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 payday   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 发薪日, 发工资日, 交割日, 过户结帐日

[法] 发薪日

    [ noun ]
    the day on which you receive pay for your work

    1. Foreman, winning for the 22nd straight time since returning to the ring three years ago, wasted little time in earning his $1 million payday.
    2. He also roused the ire of his supervisors by saying his favorite parts of the job were payday and quitting time.
    3. His biggest single payday came in 1980 at Waterford Park in Chester, W. Va., when he pocketed the jockey's 10% of a $25,000 purse aboard a horse named Flying Mars.
    4. The biweekly newsletter has just 200 subscribers, each shelling out $95 a year, and payday has sometimes come late for Worldwide's tiny staff, according to a former employee.
    5. Last year, the IRS cut the lag time between payday and tax payments from three days to one with a streamlined deposit process, sharply curtailing margins.
    6. "Gettin' paid" or "payday" is a street term used by roving gangs who rob people.
    7. Thankfully, she's not one of those time-ravaged legends croaking their way to another payday; after more than two decades at it, she still sings stunningly well.
    8. The traffic just flows through there, especially on Thursday and Friday after payday," he said.
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