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 paycheck ['peitʃek]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 工资

  1. "I hope he went fishing and comes back tomorrow, but I wouldn't bet my paycheck on it, " said state police superintendent Clinton Pagano….
  2. The new appropriations bill could mean a larger paycheck for state employees.

[ noun ]
a check issued in payment of wages or salary

  1. White House Counsel C. Boyden Gray decided this week that Bennett would violate the no-contact law if he took money beyond his $125,100-a-year RNC paycheck.
  2. For example, a 17-year employee earning a weekly paycheck would normally get 18 weeks of severance pay.
  3. But for many, the training is vital to their ability to work and earn a paycheck.
  4. The state began taking corrective action in 1979, when the legislature adopted a requirement that child-support payments be withheld from the absent parent's paycheck after a 30-day delinquency.
  5. Wheel, 55, was charged in October 1986 for her actions during an inquest earlier that year into allegations that she had padded her paycheck.
  6. Next, the housing department ordered businesses in the city to add a subsidy of 23.5 percent of each worker's salary to his paycheck to make up for the rent increase.
  7. Secret Service agents determined the paycheck had been deposited in a joint checking account held by Sunia and Iuli.
  8. Longer term, a family needs to assess whether it will be able to pay debts, taxes, tuition, health insurance and mortgage or rent without the lost paycheck.
  9. Families with large operations do report off-farm income, but that is typically from interest, rent or dividends rather than from a job paycheck.
  10. In 1983, officials launched an experiment in 10 counties, automatically withholding child support from the father's paycheck beginning when the support order is entered.
  11. But to start earning a paycheck, graduates often must undergo more rigorous screening than their predecessors.
  12. But the Golden State wasn't at the end of the paycheck rainbow.
  13. There's no meat," Harold Washington, 21, said. "We can't survive like that." Gerald Dean has been unable to get his paycheck from the restaurant where he works.
  14. Most said that they had made it a habit to save regularly, even before a fat paycheck made saving a relatively easy task.
  15. They work hard, they're honest, they pay their mortgages and taxes on time, they live from paycheck to paycheck, trying to put a little bit aside each month.
  16. They work hard, they're honest, they pay their mortgages and taxes on time, they live from paycheck to paycheck, trying to put a little bit aside each month.
  17. Some 65% of all mothers bring home a paycheck these days, including more than 50% of mothers with children under the age of one, according to the latest figures available from the Census Bureau.
  18. But though couriers work as many as 60 hours a week during the autumn rush, they leave early during slack times while still being assured of a minimum paycheck.
  19. The Pentagon announced Friday that it has readjusted a key supplemental housing allowance and more than 800,000 people in the military services will see a small increase in that part of their paycheck.
  20. "I'm just bothered that somebody who was drawing a fat government paycheck, sitting in Austin in 1986, was hiding under that rock," he said.
  21. Ms. Silver no longer has a paycheck because she is a full-time mother to the couple's children, a four-year-old and infant twins.
  22. The employee noticed Reed was wearing a suit and tie and asked him if he had come to pick up his last paycheck, he said.
  23. Mr. Wang, who has never collected a paycheck elsewhere, would seem an unlikely turnaround artist.
  24. The average Mexican paycheck lost about half its buying power. The austerity affected everything from the peso to pollution _ 95 percent of all cars in Mexico City are more than five years old, most bought before the crash.
  25. I feel I have something in it for me in addition to my paycheck." ESOPs often give employees only a small stake, but Baker's employees have 61% voting control.
  26. Mr. Kemp also described as a "gimmick" changes in the withholding tables that would allow people whose paycheck withholdings for federal taxes are larger than necessary to receive more takehome pay.
  27. Residents who have gone weeks without a paycheck are preoccupied with scraping together enough money for rice.
  28. Many sailors aboard the carrier never see a paycheck _ their money is automatically deposited in their accounts and available through shipboard machines.
  29. On the way to that goal, she received her first U.S. paycheck for proofreading a book of Polish poetry, attended secretarial school, then went to work for a fund-raising organization.
  30. "It's a joyous day for everybody _ for the miners who are going back to work, for the families who will be getting a steady paycheck and certainly for the company, which will be going back to full production," Dole told the strikers.
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