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 nom 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Nom \Nom\, n. [F. See {Noun}.]

    {Nom de guerre}, literally, war name; hence, a fictitious
    name, or one assumed for a time.

    {Nom de plume}, literally, pen name; hence, a name assumed by
    an author as his or her signature.

    1. A National Front spokesman known by the nom de guerre Abu el-Nour said the man was a prisoner of war in Chad before his defection.
    2. Offshore good demand at dearer rates. Quotations: quality 200p nom, good medium 140p, medium 125p and low medium 100p nom.
    3. Offshore good demand at dearer rates. Quotations: quality 200p nom, good medium 140p, medium 125p and low medium 100p nom.
    4. The violence became known as the Rebecca riots after the nom de guerre of the peasants' leader.
    5. Referred to mainly by his nom de guerre, Abu Jihad, he became involved early on in the struggle against Israel and in 1954 was briefly arrested by Egyptian authorities for involvement in anti-Israeli operations.
    6. The group is headed by Mohammad Abbas, who is also known by his nom de guerre Abul-Abbas.
    7. A commander with the nom de guerre "Yajok" explained that the owner of the farm is a Sandinista sympathizer who takes to the hills when the rebels come.
    8. He's better known by his nom de plume, John le Carre.
    9. He was better known by his nom de guerre "Commander Johnson," and for a time controlled journalists' access to the border camps in Honduras where the Contra army is based.
    10. Quotations quality 150p nom, good medium 135p, medium 100p,low medium 82p.
    11. He seemed to take after his uncle Kenneth, nom de plume 'Fougasse,' the cartoonist and former editor of Punch. But he also opened the batting for his school cricket team.
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