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 nomad ['nomæd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 游牧部落一员, 流浪者

a. 游牧的, 流浪的

    [ noun ]
    a member of a people who have no permanent home but move about according to the seasons

    Nomad \Nom"ad\, n. [L. nomas, -adis, Gr. ?, ?, pasturing,
    roaming without fixed home, fr. ? a pasture, allotted abode,
    fr. ? to distribute, allot, drive to pasture; prob. akin to
    AS. niman to take, and E. nimble: cf. F. nomade. Cf.
    {Astronomy}, {Economy}, {Nimble}, {Nemesis}, {Numb},
    One of a race or tribe that has no fixed location, but
    wanders from place to place in search of pasture or game.

    Nomad \Nom"ad\, a.
    Roving; nomadic.

    1. Droughts in this decade have wiped out most herds, putting an end to the nomad's wandering and livelihood.
    2. I am appalled by the level of greed I encountered in dealing with that union." Like many superintendents, the 55-year-old Mr. Murphy started out as a teacher and became a nomad.
    3. Our cities "have the feeling of nomad camps."
    4. The primitive nomad tribes have for centuries encamped near Kandahar's satellite village of Argandab.
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