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 Nome [nəum]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 古代埃及的省名

    [ noun ]
    a town in western Alaska on the southern coast of the Seward Peninsula; an important center of an Alaskan gold rush at the beginning of the 20th century

    Nim \Nim\ (n[i^]m), v. t. [imp. {Nam} (n[aum]m) or {Nimmed}
    (n[i^]md); p. p. {Nomen} (n[=o]"men) or {Nome} (n[=o]m).]
    [AS. niman. [root]7. Cf. {Nimble}.]
    To take; to steal; to filch. [Obs.]

    This canon it in his hand nam. --Chaucer.

    Nome \Nome\, n. [Gr. ?, fr. ? to deal out, distribute.]
    1. A province or political division, as of modern Greece or
    ancient Egypt; a nomarchy.

    2. Any melody determined by inviolable rules. [Obs.]

    Nome \Nome\, n. [Cf. {Binomial}.] (Alg.) [Obs.]
    See {Term}.

    Nome \Nome\, Nomen \No"men\, obs.
    p. p. of {Nim}. --Chaucer.

    1. Nome, which looks onto the frozen Norton Sound, took on a party atmosphere helped by sunny skies and temperatures in the 20s.
    2. "There's been no monetary benefit so far - it's like Monopoly money," said Nome Liquor and Grocery owner Greg Higashi, who has accepted more than 5,000 rubles in about nine months from visitors from across the Bering Strait.
    3. Many Alaska-Soviet ties have been forged since then, including: _ A "Friendship Flight" from Nome to Provideniya in 1988 reunited Eskimos separated since the political "Ice Curtain" was drawn in 1948.
    4. In 1932, Woodley founded Woodley Airways, which offered passenger service between Anchorage and Nome with the motto "Have Plane, Will Travel."
    5. Tourism officials estimate the two events bring 2,000 people to Nome.
    6. Iditarod is 610 miles from Nome and 558 miles from Anchorage.
    7. And last summer, the BIMA, one of the world's largest mining vessels, began dredging for gold off the coast of Nome, Alaska.
    8. Flights between Nome and the Soviet Far East are strictly charter, so Trainor drives over to the Nome Airport only when summoned.
    9. Flights between Nome and the Soviet Far East are strictly charter, so Trainor drives over to the Nome Airport only when summoned.
    10. They will be in Alaska's largest city for a day before returning to Nome and then back across the strait.
    11. "We're talking 23 minutes away," says James Stimpfle, a Nome real-estate agent.
    12. The service already administers the Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, a 2.7-million acre wild area just north of Nome.
    13. Redington, a founder of the mushing marathon from Anchorage to Nome, now heads for the Sulatna Crossing and then to Ruby on the Yukon River.
    14. The plane replaced one of the same model abandoned Tuesday after it crashed as Gary Aliengena, 39, attempted a takeoff from Golovin, 90 miles from Nome, for a fishing side-trip.
    15. Tim Osmar of Clam Gulch, Dee Dee Jonrowe of Willow and Rick Swenson of Two Rivers, the Iditarod's only four-time champion, had reached Unalakleet, the largest community on the trail between Eagle River and Nome.
    16. The flight, aimed at cracking open a border closed for 40 years, left Nome at 11:09 a.m. (ADT) for Provideniya, the Federal Aviation Administration said.
    17. And after a short rest she and her team took off on the final 171 miles of the 11,058-mile race from Anchorage to Nome.
    18. The only other woman to win the grueling race, Libby Riddles of Nome, watched the finish on sunny streets in minus 10-degree temperatures.
    19. With 850 people, Unakleet is the bigest community on the trail outside of Nome and Anchorage.
    20. He figured that if the Alaska-Siberia border were opened, Nome could become an economic and cultural center for both sides of the Bering Strait.
    21. The remaining teams were strung 500 miles back along the trail and will be straggling into Nome for a week or more.
    22. The winner is expected to reach Nome on Wednesday morning after brief stops at three remaining checkpoints.
    23. The race across Alaska from Anchorage to Nome, on the Bering Sea coast, has been run since 1973.
    24. The mushers raced toward the coastal village of Unalakleet, 93 miles away and the longest stretch between checkpoints in the race. When they left Kaltag, they were 357 miles from the finish line in Nome.
    25. The scout notified his commander, who contacted the INS in Nome, said INS spokesman Gary Johnson.
    26. A high of 73 in Nome, Ark., broke the town's Memorial Day record of 70 degrees that had stood for 27 years.
    27. He envisioned increased trade, joint economic ventures, and tourist excursions by airplanes and cruise ships between Nome and Siberia.
    28. The Iditarod, named for an abandoned gold-mining town along the trail, was started in 1973 to commemorate the 1925 emergency delivery of life-saving diphtheria serum from Anchorage to Nome by sled dog teams.
    29. Named for an abandoned gold-mining town along the trail, the Iditarod was started in 1973 to commemorate the 1925 emergency delivery of life-saving diphtheria serum from Anchorage to Nome by sled dog teams.
    30. The first musher to Nome collects $30,000 of a $150,000 purse; the next 19 finishers split the rest.
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