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 mytilus 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. This paper studies histology of the female reproductive system in mussel Mytilus edulis.
    从组织学方面研究了贻贝雌性生殖系统的构造。 卵巢壁薄,由外膜和内生殖上皮构成。
  2. The digestibility of fresh meat of Mytilus edulis -was much higher than that of the dried one.
  3. Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck can not only spend the summer but also glow in Pingtan county.

[ noun ]
type genus of the family Mytilidae: smooth-shelled marine mussels

Mytilus \Myt"i*lus\, n. [L., a sea mussel, Gr. ?.] (Zo["o]l.)
A genus of marine bivalve shells, including the common
mussel. See Illust. under {Byssus}.

Byssus \Bys"sus\, n.; pl. E. {Byssuses}; L. {Byssi}.[L. byssus
fine flax, fine linen or cotton, Gr. by`ssos .]
1. A cloth of exceedingly fine texture, used by the ancients.
It is disputed whether it was of cotton, linen, or silk.
[Written also {byss} and {byssin}.]

2. (Zo["o]l.) A tuft of long, tough filaments which are
formed in a groove of the foot, and issue from between the
valves of certain bivalve mollusks, as the {Pinna} and
{Mytilus}, by which they attach themselves to rocks, etc.

3. (Bot.) An obsolete name for certain fungi composed of
slender threads.

4. Asbestus.

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