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 Mytilus edulis 添加此单词到默认生词本

    mytilus edulis
    [ noun ]
    a mussel with a dark shell that lives attached to rocks

    Mussel \Mus"sel\, n. [See {Muscle}, 3.]
    1. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of many species of marine bivalve
    shells of the genus {Mytilus}, and related genera, of the
    family {Mytid[ae]}. The common mussel ({Mytilus edulis};
    see Illust. under {Byssus}), and the larger, or horse,
    mussel ({Modiola modiolus}), inhabiting the shores both of
    Europe and America, are edible. The former is extensively
    used as food in Europe.

    2. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of numerous species of {Unio}, and
    related fresh-water genera; -- called also {river mussel}.
    See {Naiad}, and {Unio}.

    {Mussel digger} (Zo["o]l.), the grayback whale. See {Gray
    whale}, under {Gray}.

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