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 memoirs ['mɛmwɑr添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Memoir \Mem"oir\, or pl. Memoirs \Mem"oirs\, n. [F. m['e]moire,
    m., memorandum, fr. m['e]moire, f., memory, L. memoria. See
    1. A memorial account; a history composed from personal
    experience and memory; an account of transactions or
    events (usually written in familiar style) as they are
    remembered by the writer. See {History}, 2.

    2. A memorial of any individual; a biography; often, a
    biography written without special regard to method and

    3. An account of something deemed noteworthy; an essay; a
    record of investigations of any subject; the journals and
    proceedings of a society.

    1. It was in this atmosphere that Mai Nap began serializing the hitherto unpublished memoirs of the late Zoltan Vas, a senior party official.
    2. Springer is writing his memoirs.
    3. In 1987, she published "The Beaverbrook Girl," a lively volume of memoirs about her active and adventurous life, which included horse breeding and flying helicopters.
    4. Once Iacocca-mania took hold, every corporate hotshot in America got a zillion dollars to write his memoirs.
    5. Mr. Rusk, like his mentor Marshall, will not write his own memoirs.
    6. That's where he is a general." Since coming to Israel, Sharansky spent most of his time studying Hebrew, lecturing on the plight of Soviet Jews and writing his memoirs, Stern said.
    7. The Harper's issue contains excerpts from the memoirs of Anthony Cavendish, a former officer of the MI6 intelligence service, which British newspapers are barred by a court order from publishing.
    8. Their mourning had to wait while party officials, looking for more memoirs, arrived at the house to confiscate many of his papers.
    9. His memoirs are being serialized by Znamya, a literary journal with a circulation of 1 million.
    10. The Foreign Ministry said today that many aspects of Soviet President Andrei Gromyko's memoirs dealing with Chinese-Soviet relations are false.
    11. I had a funny feeling that I could take something I ate and reproduce it - like a musician with music." It was a time Beard also documented, in "Delights and Prejudices," his 1964 memoirs.
    12. Subtitled "The Creation of `A Chorus Line'," it will be the memoirs of 19 original cast members of the long-running show.
    13. De Gaulle's own war memoirs are not much help.
    14. Stalin misjudged the direction of the Nazi main attack, according to Marshal Zhukov's memoirs.
    15. He struggles on until the autumn. A stormy party conference (spiced with the revelations promised in Lady Thatcher's memoirs) and an anaemic economic recovery sap what remains of his political authority.
    16. His review, in the December issue of Washingtonian magazine, also replied to Mrs. Reagan's criticism of his disclosure in his memoirs that she had come to rely on the advice of an astrologer for scheduling Reagan's activities.
    17. It has eight bedrooms, four bathrooms and two kitchens. She may be able to earn further money - publishers have approached her for her memoirs.
    18. No date was set for the memoirs, which will contain "his personal reminiscences, reflections on his life and his achievements and on the key events, successes and disappointments," the publisher said.
    19. He added that Harper's published the Cavendish memoirs as a "cautionary tale" to alert Americans to secrecy moves by the Reagan administration. "Believe me there is no cause for smugness in America," he told reporters.
    20. Without the memoirs, we would have known less about the man, including his achievements. Other anecdotes abound in this generally rather academic collection of essays on political memoir as a genre.
    21. "When I'm 30, I'll be down in Palm Beach writing my memoirs," he says.
    22. His pictures were accompanied by extracts from his memoirs and those of his wife, Dorothy.
    23. "The convention has not always been observed in the memoirs of some former Cabinet ministers," he added.
    24. The first installment of Ms. Bordes' memoirs printed in Wednesday's Daily Mail contained lurid tales of sex with financier Adnan Khashoggi, with a Saudi prince and with a top aide to Libya's Col. Moammar Gadhafi.
    25. 'Relentlessly,' he was prepared to suppress minutes and falsify his own memoirs, claims Lamb.
    26. President Bush said today he found nothing unseemly about former President Reagan signing a multi-million contract to write his memoirs.
    27. In these memoirs it is impossible not to detect a perceived continuity. Adenauer saw his task as the first federal chancellor in cementing relations with the west and making Germany respectable.
    28. The agency became the focus of renewed public attention during a three-year court battle, which the government finally lost this year, to suppress the memoirs of ex-agent Peter Wright.
    29. HARPERCOLLINS, publisher of Baroness Thatcher's memoirs, intends to report the Daily Mirror to the police because it believes that a criminal offence may have been committed in connection with publication of unauthorised extracts in the paper.
    30. These, combined with Churchill's own memoirs, left Mr. Gilbert little "new" material to bring forward, and much of the final volume quotes extensively from these already well-known writings.
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