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 memoranda   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ noun ]
    a written proposal or reminder

    Memorandum \Mem`o*ran"dum\, n.; pl. E. {Memorandums}, L.
    {Memoranda}. [L., something to be remembered, neut. of
    memorandus, fut. pass. p. of memorare. See {Memorable}.]
    1. A record of something which it is desired to remember; a
    note to help the memory.

    I . . . entered a memorandum in my pocketbook.

    I wish you would, as opportunity offers, make
    memorandums of the regulations of the academies.
    --Sir J.

    2. (Law) A brief or informal note in writing of some
    transaction, or an outline of an intended instrument; an
    instrument drawn up in a brief and compendious form.

    {Memorandum check}, a check given as an acknowledgment of
    indebtedness, but with the understanding that it will not
    be presented at bank unless the maker fails to take it up
    on the day the debt becomes due. It usually has Mem.
    written on its face.

    1. But intelligence sources said Mr. Reagan always signed such decision memoranda himself, often in more than one place, and they said they couldn't recall a single case in which the president didn't sign a decision memo authorizing a covert action.
    2. They said Shevardnadze had given Baker a letter from Soviet President Gorbachev to Bush as well as a series of memoranda to further economic and cultural cooperation and a report on human right s developments in the Soviet Union.
    3. The lawmakers asked for "all internal letters, notes, memoranda, studies, etc." connected with her decision to reject a petition to set safety standards for the Jeep-like vehicles and recall those that fail to meet the standards.
    4. The memoranda, he says, put researchers "inside things that happened years ago."
    5. The Defense Department has signed a slew of "memoranda of understanding" with allies calling for joint weapons development.
    6. The lawyers are relying on old memoranda, culled from the National Archives, to make their point.
    7. As for the failure to honor the congressmen's request for documents, Mr. Miller says NHTSA doesn't normally provide internal memoranda, even to Congress.
    8. He wrote the minutes to all the inter-agency meetings, so his version of events would be reported in the memoranda.
    9. The conflicting views about the former Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. official appear in sentencing memoranda prepared by the two sides.
    10. It would be quite wrong to infer approval on the daughters' part, whether of the memoranda generally or of inclusion of their names.
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