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 memorably ['memәrәbli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 留在记忆中地, 显著地, 明确地

    [ adv ]
    in a memorable manner
    Horowitz could play Chopin memorably

    Memorable \Mem"o*ra*ble\, a. [L. memorabilis, fr. memorare to
    bring to remembrance, fr. memor mindful, remembering. See
    {Memory}, and cf. {Memorabilia}.]
    Worthy to be remembered; very important or remarkable. --
    {Mem"o*ra*ble*ness}, n. -- {Mem"o*ra*bly}, adv.

    Surviving fame to gain,
    Buy tombs, by books, by memorable deeds. --Sir J.

    1. Laura San Giacomo, a stage and television actress making a memorably keen film debut here, plays Cynthia, Ann's sister.
    2. The rest - the propulsive opening movement, the jazz-inflected finale - offer effective solo writing, without ever hinting at the kind of personal utterance that Casken's concerto manages so memorably.
    3. The devilry of Pug (Susie Trayling) soon lost its initial promise. Even a memorably funny drag entry by Christopher Genz (Wittipol) as the Spanish instructress was blurred by poor blocking.
    4. The long passage in which a dark brass chorale evolves over a darker bass pedal, while marimbas and glockenspiel twinkle above like sunlight on Orcadian waves and the trumpet soars in high, slow phrases, was memorably beautiful.
    5. It remains a memorably valuable display of popular education because of Lord Clark himself.
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