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 lug wrench 添加此单词到默认生词本



    lug wrench
    [ noun ]
    a wrench with jaws that have projecting lugs to engage the object that is to be rotated

    Lug \Lug\ (l[u^]g), n. [Sw. lugg the forelock.]
    1. The ear, or its lobe. [Scot. & Prov. Eng.]

    2. That which projects like an ear, esp. that by which
    anything is supported, carried, or grasped, or to which a
    support is fastened; an ear; as, the lugs of a kettle; the
    lugs of a founder's flask; the lug (handle) of a jug.

    3. (Mach.) A projecting piece to which anything, as a rod, is
    attached, or against which anything, as a wedge or key,
    bears, or through which a bolt passes, etc.

    4. (Harness) The leather loop or ear by which a shaft is held

    5. (Zo["o]l.) The lugworm.

    6. A man; sometimes implying clumsiness. [slang]

    {Lug bolt} (Mach.), a bolt terminating in a long, flat
    extension which takes the place of a head; a strap bolt.

    {Lug nut} (Mach.), a large nut fitting a heavy bolt; -- used
    especially of the nuts used to attach wheels to vehicles.

    {Lug wrench} (Mach.), a wrench used to tighten or loosen lug
    nuts, usually a steel rod having a hexagonally shaped
    socket which fits closely over the lug nut; sometimes in
    the shape of a cross, having several such sockets, one at
    the end of each arm, to accommodate nuts of different
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

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