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 luggage ['lʌgidʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 行李, 皮箱

    [ noun ]
    cases used to carry belongings when traveling

    Luggage \Lug"gage\, n. [From 4th {Lug}.]
    That which is lugged; anything cumbrous and heavy to be
    carried; especially, a traveler's trunks, baggage, etc., or
    their contents.

    I am gathering up my luggage, and preparing for my
    journey. --Swift.

    What do you mean,
    To dote thus on such luggage! --Shak.

    Syn: Plunder; baggage.

    {Luggage van}, a vehicle for carrying luggage; a railway car,
    or compartment of a car, for carrying luggage. [Eng.]

    {Luggage compartment}, the compartment in a train, bus or
    other vehicle designed for storage of luggage during a
    journey. Separate from the {passenger compartment}.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    baggage \bag"gage\ (b[a^]g"g[asl]j), n. [F. bagage, from OF.
    bague bundle. In senses 6 and 7 cf. F. bagasse a prostitute.
    See {Bag}, n.]
    1. The clothes, tents, utensils, and provisions of an army.

    Note: ``The term itself is made to apply chiefly to articles
    of clothing and to small personal effects.'' --Farrow.

    2. The trunks, valises, satchels, etc., which a traveler
    carries with him on a journey; luggage.

    The baronet's baggage on the roof of the coach.

    We saw our baggage following below. --Johnson.

    Note: The English usually call this {luggage}.

    3. Purulent matter. [Obs.] --Barrough.

    4. Trashy talk. [Obs.] --Ascham.

    5. A man of bad character. [Obs.] --Holland.

    6. A woman of loose morals; a prostitute.

    A disreputable, daring, laughing, painted French
    baggage. --Thackeray.

    7. A romping, saucy girl. [Playful] --Goldsmith.

    1. And some foreign intelligence agencies do "bag jobs," searching briefcases and luggage that executives leave in hotels.
    2. Passenger luggage underwent double-checks, and the Kyodo News Service reported a security effort more intense than that at the Seoul Olympics.
    3. "We've expanded the nylon luggage line into a whole area of backpacking, horsepacking and camping equipment as well," Wayne Morgan said.
    4. Roger Cawthra, 44, is accused of firing the shot that hit the luggage compartment of a Greyhound bus carrying 19 passengers.
    5. Relatives in the crowd held up signs, including one that said, "Daddy, Daddy, I Need You." Most of the group carried luggage; many wore casual clothes and were ill-prepared for the chilly evening weather.
    6. "If you sit on steel all day, this is relaxation." Con Air can brag that it has never once lost a passenger's luggage.
    7. The ministry communique said policemen combed the luggage, ignoring the protests of French Ambassador Rene Ala, who accompanied the women and children from the French embassy to the airport.
    8. Police said Tuesday they had identified the luggage container, but would not comment on whether it was placed on the flight in Frankfurt or London.
    9. Customs agents detected what they thought was a bomb in a suitcase headed for a Colombian airliner Wednesday and a bomb squad blew it up, but analysis of the debris revealed the luggage contained a video game.
    10. Next were complaints about lost, damaged or delayed luggage and problems obtaining refunds for unused or lost tickets.
    11. Most of the luggage from Germany had been placed in an aluminum baggage container that was loaded into the front cargo hold on the left side of the aircraft.
    12. They did not want to climb steep hills to get to their hotels and they wanted someone to carry their suitcases. Mr Roger De Haan, the founder's son, started out in the business carrying older guests' luggage to their rooms at his father's hotel.
    13. Lining up at the terminal counter could soon become a thing of the past and it will also negate the need to have to drag your luggage through the terminal.
    14. "This is terrible," complains Thea Linker, while waiting more than a half-hour for her luggage amid several hundred increasingly unhappy passengers at the small Eastern Airlines baggage-claim counter.
    15. Its array of consumer products is compatible with E-II's lineup, which includes Samsonite luggage and Stiffel lamps.
    16. With an entourage of nearly 100 people and a tractor-trailer filled with luggage, that's a tough sell when you pull into a hotel _ as the royal family did here four weeks ago _ at a cost of about $10,000 a day.
    17. That's because airlines are putting fewer security guards in baggage-claim areas to check luggage tags.
    18. Their luggage went on Israel, their destination.
    19. British officials said it consisted of three pounds of Czechoslovakian-made plastic explosive hidden behind a luggage panel and likely would have killed all 375 passengers aboard the EL Al Boeing 747.
    20. The Sunday Times said the evidence was in a computer list of all luggage put aboard Flight 103 in Frankfurt.
    21. But on a recent March morning, singer Janet Jackson went bouncing past the reception desk trailed by an entourage laden with luggage.
    22. Hindawi, who planted explosives in the hand luggage of his pregnant Irish fiancee, was sentenced to 45 years in prison.
    23. Howlett listed among the expenditures with no legitimate business purpose a 300-foot water slide at Bakker's Lake Wylie home, which has since been sold, and $32,000 worth of luggage.
    24. Close scrutiny of every piece of hand luggage being put aboard caused a brief initial delay, but then the plane was held up by fog that was disrupting all flights at the airport and caused some flights to be canceled.
    25. Nassau County police were also at the scene collecting luggage, property and other personal effects that were not initially picked up.
    26. I didn't know if I was going to live or die." Hamadi was arrested at Frankfurt airport in January 1987 when customs officials found liquid explosives in his luggage.
    27. Through clever advertising he took the market by storm and made millions by licensing the Sasson label for watches, lingerie and luggage as well as jeans.
    28. Before being conferred diplomatic cover by Bijedic, Cole said he and Spanjol concealed the currency in their luggage, the affidavit states.
    29. And Paris-based LVMH Moet Hennessey Louis Vuitton S.A. said sales growth of its pricey luggage and fragrance lines slowed because they are normally bought by well-heeled tourists.
    30. She also brought about 20 pieces of luggage.
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