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 luge [lu:ʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (竞赛用)的仰卧小雪撬

vi. 坐小雪橇滑雪

    [ noun ]
    1. a racing sled for one or two people

    2. <noun.artifact>
    [ verb ]
    1. move along on a luge or toboggan

    2. <verb.motion> toboggan

    luge \luge\ (l[=oo]zh), n.
    a racing sled for one or two people; it is raced down a chute
    of packed snow or ice, and the occupant(s) lie down on it
    with feet in the direction of motion.
    [WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

    1. Puerto Rico's Mr. Tucker, a solid 200-pounder, recalls that during early-winter training here he was accosted by a luge track worker who accused him of being a "fat guy trying to pass himself off as an Olympic athlete."
    2. Demonstrating that beer-quaffing is an international sport, CBS treated viewers to scenes of German luge gold medalist Georg Hackl and his Bavarian hometown friends.
    3. LUGE Three Austrians, two of them sisters, hold the top places after the first two runs of the women's luge competition.
    4. In man's quest to slide faster and faster, the luge has become a kind of sporting arms race.
    5. Miniature luge sleds dangle from her ears and her neck.
    6. "Does the public really differentiate between the sponsor of the luge team and the sponsor of the Olympics?
    7. But that all changed in 1982 during a trip to Lake Placid, N.Y., where she saw the luge for the first time.
    8. "Always, always," he tells his young charges, "carry a tape measure with you in this sport." Watching from an easy chair, the luge looks like a simple enough sport: You lie on your back and slide down an ice-covered chute.
    9. Any doubts you have at the top of the track will eat you up on your way down." As might be expected from the foregoing, luge is an expensive sport with few serious competitors and, thus, is susceptible to sustained assault.
    10. When the Austrians want an edge, they call on university professors. East Germany and the Soviet Union, when there was an East Germany and a Soviet Union, assigned some of their best engineering minds to their luge teams.
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