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 judicious [dʒu'dɪʃəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 头脑精明的, 贤明的, 判断正确的

    [ adj ]
    marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters
    judicious use of one's moneya wise decision

    Judicious \Ju*di"cious\, a. [F. judicieux, fr. L. judicium
    judgment. See {Judicial}.]
    Of or relating to a court; judicial. [Obs.]

    His last offenses to us
    Shall have judicious hearing. --Shak.

    2. Directed or governed by sound judgment; having sound
    judgment; wise; prudent; sagacious; discreet.

    He is noble, wise, judicious, and best knows
    The fits o' the season. --Shak.

    Syn: Prudent; discreet; rational; wise; skillful; discerning;
    sagacious; well-advised.

    1. Specialists say impeachment would require two-thirds support in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Collor government is trying, through judicious spending of public money, to muster the 168 votes he would require to survive in Congress.
    2. This has opened up scope for the bank to execute judicious reductions in the internationally-important short-term discount and lombard rates.
    3. At all those moments when the music should make the listener want to get up and dance, John Mauceri and his orchestra have their noses in the score, making sure textures are nicely balanced, rhythms neat, speeds judicious.
    4. Each of its five movements is enchanting, lit up by eager, well-schooled imagination and by judicious orchestral hints from Berlioz and Wagner.
    5. We have performed this task in an expeditious and judicious manner.
    6. Thus, in spite of its scholarly apparatus and generally judicious tone, "Condemned to Repetition" is, inevitably, an apologia for his conduct and a post-hoc defense of the administration of which he was a part.
    7. But Rodino's steady, judicious handling of the momentous hearings earned him widespread praise and helped produce an overwhelming bipartisan majority in favor of impeachment.
    8. You have to be judicious in your demeanor." While many are transfixed by the television images, not all are pleased.
    9. But once trustees are satisfied that the use of derivative products is judicious, trust deeds may still need to be altered. There are less tangible obstacles.
    10. The new film substitutes imbecility for wit and historical crassness for judicious anachronism.
    11. In subsequent studies, Katz has shown that judicious use of so-called tocolytic drugs to control contractions can reduce substantially the incidence of premature births.
    12. The adoption agreement is worked out by an opportunistic lawyer, played with judicious amounts of sleaze and professionalism by John Bennett Perry.
    13. "Heflin throughout his career has portrayed himself as someone who is very judicious, fair, honest and someone who has a judicial temperament," said Patrick Cotter, a University of Alabama political scientist.
    14. Brian Masters had a judicious chapter on her in his book Great Hostesses (1982) where Sibyl emerged as positively saintly beside the likes of Mrs Ronnie Greville and Emerald Cunard.
    15. Instead of relentless prosecutors, they tried to portray themselves as judicious statesmen.
    16. "However, zero tolerance is also fair, reasonable and judicious," Sheehan said. "That has been pointed out by the release of the Ark Royal." Fewer than 10 percent of vessels seized by the government are ever returned to owners.
    17. It is time for the president to bring the budget back under control, and a judicious exercise of the line-item veto might be a way to start.
    18. Both extract judicious humour from a serious situation. Robert Rabey's bare set needs Tariq Hussain's inventive lighting to shift focus between past and present, while John Binnie'directs with verve.
    19. But the no-more-nonsense superintendents are going to have to be judicious as well; incompetent principals and administrators should go, but the good ones ought to be left alone.
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