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 Judson 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    1. "Subscribers can receive Time publications whose ads have information geared specifically towards them," says Bruce Judson, the magazine group's director of marketing, who spearheaded the program under Mr. Elliman.
    2. The estimate comes from a study published in the December issue of Environment International by A. Judson Wells, a researcher in Wilmington, Del., and a volunteer with the American Lung Association.
    3. This year is the 100th birthday of the flashlight (by England's Bristol Electric Lamp Co.), the aluminum boat (by Switzerland's Escher Wyss & Co.) and the zipper (by Whitcombe L. Judson).
    4. No presidential writer since has done quite as well, although Judson Welliver now enjoys something of a revival more than 60 years after his time.
    5. At a recent Henry Butcher auction for a large property developer, the managing director's Bentley sold for Pounds 33,000, Pounds 6,000 more than its trade value. Mr Judson stops the bidding when it gets ridiculous.
    6. "Arenas are coming into the 20th century," says Judson Perkins, the Madison Square Garden executive overseeing the project.
    7. Judson Randall, assistant to Editor William A. Hilliard, said that The Oregonian endorsed Frank's decision to suspend the column, but would have kept running had Frank desired.
    8. Judson trains carefully picked welfare mothers to raise in their homes, for a modest salary, two or three crippled or emotionally disturbed kids.
    9. There is now a Judson Welliver Society of former White House writers.
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