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 Judith   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    1. Jewish heroine in one of the books of the Apocrypha; she saved her people by decapitating the Assyrian general Holofernes

    2. <noun.person>
    3. an Apocryphal book telling how Judith saved her people

    4. <noun.communication>

    1. Judith Howarth dealt confidently with Eigen's music, but Arthur Davies sounded unhappy as Orbin.
    2. But Judith Winston of the Women's Legal Defense Fund said, "Although this is not a complete victory, we consider it to be in the win category.
    3. Laughing, he added, "I'm probably a little more corrupt." Judith Jamison was the biggest star the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater had in its 32 years.
    4. And, although notices of intentions to deliver coffee against September futures have been heavy for two days, the coffee was snapped up, said Judith Ganes, senior futures analyst at Merrill Lynch.
    5. "How many packets (of crack) did you and Mr. Barry smoke during his trip to the Virgin Islands" in 1988? asked Assistant U.S. Attorney Judith Retchin.
    6. Judith Ganes, a senior analyst at Merrill Lynch, said investors were rolling out of long positions, or bets that prices will rise, in the nearby contracts and moving into contracts that will be affected by the new orange crop.
    7. Once again, Judith Krantz has hounded and pounded out a best seller, and her husband Steve has huffed and puffed the thing into a miniseries.
    8. In the past 18 months the FBI has requested counterintelligence assistance from at least 14 libraries, says Judith Krug, an executive at the American Library Association.
    9. "I really am appalled that in the face of opposition from all of organized nursing that medicine has gone ahead with this decision," said Judith Ryan, executive director of the American Nurses' Association.
    10. "We've ended the Cold War and we've now begun the new era, the war over resources," suggests Judith Kipper, an analyst at the Brookings Institution.
    11. "The Arab order as they've known it and as we've known it has changed dramatically," says Judith Kipper, a Middle East analyst at the Brookings Institution.
    12. Judith Ganes, an analyst at Merrill Lynch, said there was talk in the market that Brazil might shed some light on its policies and quotas this afternoon.
    13. "Overall, interest and concern about the environment is definitely on the rise," says Judith Langer, president of Langer Associates Inc., a New York market research firm.
    14. Miss Illinois Marjorie Judith Vincent, a pianist of Haitian descent who wants to practice international law, was crowned Miss America 1991 early Sunday.
    15. Although a county probation report recommended that Charley Tom Lee be placed on supervised probation, Superior Court Judge Judith Chirlin sentenced him to state prison, saying his actions had instilled fear and terror in drivers.
    16. That viewpoint was supported by Judith Erickson, a consultant for the Viking and Indianhead councils and an associate professor at the University of Minnesota's Center for Youth Development and Research.
    17. Judith Craig of Detroit is the only other active female United Methodist bishop.
    18. Light and packable, there are 22 contemporary classics, such as Michael Ondaatje's Coming Through Slaughter or Brian Moore's The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne.
    19. Analyst Judith Bollinger raised her 1992 earnings estimate to $9 a share from $8, citing "more optimism" on the profitability of the MD-80 aircraft line and increased confidence that the company will find a partner for its commercial-aircraft business.
    20. That's nothing. They're used to 50 cents off, even more," says Judith Langer, president of Langer Associates Inc., a New York market research firm.
    21. It said "recent indications of interest have been received with respect to FoxMeyer." "Anything that comes across the transom will be looked at," said NII spokeswoman Judith A. Hale.
    22. Judith Anne marched to a different drummer.
    23. Merrill Lynch analyst Judith Ganes tied the decline to profit-taking after the recent strength.
    24. Born in Geneseo, Ill., in 1895, Mrs. Oslund began making films while still in her teens. "The Lonedale Operator" (1911) and "Judith of Bethulia" (1913) were two of the films she made with Griffith.
    25. On Monday night the two Americans sang Judith and Bluebeard, in English, in a striking, theatrical new production of Bartok's "Bluebeard's Castle."
    26. Ten hours after his release, Padilla and Judith Thomas were married in Hackensack.
    27. Mrs. Bush received the most expensive gift listed on the report: four evening bags valued at $3,102 from a New York designer, Judith Leiber.
    28. We would have been more pleased had the conviction been reversed in Peniston as well," said Bey's attorney, Judith Borman.
    29. The USDA had earlier estimated 68 million boxes of oranges would be harvested, but apparently came up 3 million short, said analyst Judith Ganes of Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. A revised report is due out Friday.
    30. Judith Wiers, director of the Hull Lifesaving Museum, said it's ironic that a town with Hull's history would have to cut its lifeguards.
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