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 hauberk ['hɔbɚk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 锁子甲

    [ noun ]
    a long (usually sleeveless) tunic of chain mail formerly worn as defensive armor

    Hauberk \Hau"berk\ (h[add]"b[~e]rk), n. [OF. hauberc, halberc,
    F. haubert, OHG. halsberc; hals neck + bergan to protect, G.
    bergen; akin to AS. healsbeorg, Icel. h[=a]lsbj["o]rg. See
    {Collar}, and {Bury}, v. t.]
    A coat of mail; especially, the long coat of mail of the
    European Middle Ages, as contrasted with the habergeon, which
    is shorter and sometimes sleeveless. By old writers it is
    often used synonymously with habergeon. See {Habergeon}.
    [Written variously {hauberg}, {hauberque}, {hawberk}, etc.]

    Helm, nor hawberk's twisted mail. --Gray.

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