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 Hauck 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Hauck)人名;(德、英、匈)豪克

  1. A poem by Barbara Hauck:Smile She smiled at a sorrowful stranger, The smile seemed to make him feel better.
    英文抒情散文诗歌欣赏:微笑 她朝一个伤感的人微笑, 那微笑似乎让他感觉好些。
  2. "People will ask him if he wants to be a baseball player when he grows up and he says no I want to be a firefighter" said his mother Carrie Hauck, not pictured, "He practically sleeps in this outfit.
  3. "People will ask him if he wants to be a baseball player when he grows up and he says no I want to be a firefighter" said his mother Carrie Hauck, not pictured, "He practically sleeps in this outfit."
    豪克的母亲介绍,每当人们问他长大了想不想当个棒球运动员的时候,他总是回答,不,我想当消防员。 母亲还说,他甚至每天都是穿着这身消防员服睡觉的。

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