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 haulage ['hɔlɪdʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 拖曳, 运费, 牵引量

[经] 公路运输, 拖运费

  1. How much is haulage?
  2. A low, heavy cart without sides, used for haulage.
  3. The enterprise KLUWE OTTO KARL FERNTRANSPORTE offers Long-distance haulage among other things.
    KLUWE OTTO KARL FERNTRANSPORTE 作为一家具有丰富经验的经济型企业,为您提供远程运输范围内效果显著的、价值的产品。

[ noun ]
the act of drawing or hauling something
the haul up the hill went very slowly

Haulage \Haul"age\ (-[asl]j), n.
Act of hauling; as, the haulage of cars by an engine; charge
for hauling.

  1. A second minister will take charge of services provided by railways, as well as road haulage.
  2. Whereas international haulage between countries is a reality, most countries continue to operate their own domestic distribution systems.
  3. A partner in a firm of Huddersfield accountants which audited Hanson's family haulage business, Rosling has never had the same public recognition as Lords Hanson and White.
  4. That's three trucks at Dollars 1.4m each'. Then came productivity gains from the system, which enables a central dispatcher to know where every haulage truck and big mechanical shovel is at every second of the working day in the huge open pit.
  5. And such taxation should be applied to trains as well as lorries. It is unlikely that any justifiable changes to taxation of road transport would eliminate the gap between the costs of road and rail haulage.
  6. Efficiency gains in the haulage sector will bring both economic and environmental benefits. Yet it would be unwise to count on the elimination of the one in three goods vehicles which are quoted in your report as running empty.
  7. The strike threat was called off yesterday, however, when Calor said that 90 per cent of the 363 employees had signed the new contracts. In separate negotiations the company has revised its pay offer to 52 drivers at Calor Transport, its haulage division.
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