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 harangue [hə'ræŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 演讲, 热烈讨论, 长篇大论, 夸夸其谈

vt. 向...夸夸其谈地讲话

  1. He harangued the troops before a battle.
  2. The harangue is very serious.
  3. He harangue his fellow student and persuade them to walk out.

[ noun ]
  1. a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion

  2. <noun.communication>
[ verb ]
  1. deliver a harangue to; address forcefully

  2. <verb.communication>

Harangue \Ha*rangue"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Harangued}
(h[.a]*r[a^]ngd"); p. pr. & vb. n. {Haranguing}.] [Cf. F.
haranguer, It. aringare.]
To make an harangue; to declaim.

Harangue \Ha*rangue"\, v. t.
To address by an harangue.

Harangue \Ha*rangue"\ (h[.a]*r[a^]ng"), n. [F. harangue: cf. Sp.
arenga, It. aringa; lit., a speech before a multitude or on
the hustings, It. aringo arena, hustings, pulpit; all fr.
OHG. hring ring, anything round, ring of people, G. ring. See
A speech addressed to a large public assembly; a popular
oration; a loud address to a multitude; in a bad sense, a
noisy or pompous speech; declamation; ranting.

Gray-headed men and grave, with warriors mixed,
Assemble, and harangues are heard. --Milton.

Syn: {Harangue}, {Speech}, {Oration}.

Usage: Speech is generic; an oration is an elaborate and
rhetorical speech; an harangue is a vehement appeal to
the passions, or a noisy, disputatious address. A
general makes an harangue to his troops on the eve of
a battle; a demagogue harangues the populace on the
subject of their wrongs.

  1. As in past years, Congress is currently considering imposing rate ceilings, and some consumer groups think such a law would be an appropriate response to Mr. Russell's recent harangue.
  2. Farrar later described McEnroe's harangue as the most vile language he'd ever heard in a tennis match.
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