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 Harari 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Haaretz reported that Harari told Israeli officials that if he did not work with Noriega, his role would be filled by Cubans or Nicaraguans.
    2. Harari and Cedeno were not previously in the Vatican embassy but it was not known where they were arrested.
    3. Asked what his plans were, Harari said in the interview: "I will continue to be a businessman.
    4. A Foreign Ministry spokesman, speaking on condition of anonymity, said he has no information on any U.S. request concerning Mike Harari, a former agent of Israel's Mossad intelligenge agency.
    5. I'm just a private man who deals in trade," Harari stated.
    6. In the book, the team leader is referred to only as "Mike," but sources familiar with the case say it was Harari.
    7. He said the committee should investigate Harari's role in Panama.
    8. Haim Harari, a physicist who heads the respected Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, said earlier this year the Soviet immigrants should not receive preferential treatment.
    9. I'm just a private man who deals in trade," Harari said.
    10. Harari, who traveled to Israel immediately after U.S. troops invaded Panama last month, has been described as one of Noreiga's closest advisers, a description he rejects as false.
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