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 Harare [hə'rɑ:rei]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    the capital and largest city of Zimbabwe

    1. The Harare and Nairobi governments have agreed to work together to ensure a "planned and orderly" exodus, Zimbabwe Foreign Affairs Minister Nathan Shamuyarira told the Zimbabwe Inter-African News Agency.
    2. The 100th anniversary of the founding of Fort Salisbury, now the Zimbabwean capital Harare, went uncelebrated yesterday.
    3. By today, police had freed most of the 478 students arrested in the protests Thursday at the University of Zimbabwe and the Harare Polytechnic.
    4. Nyagumbo, 64, died at Harare's main hospital on Thursday from poisoning.
    5. Herrera, who denied reports he also had been dismissed as ambassador, said his disagreements with Harare arose after he accused the Israeli of using his position to charge large commissions to Israelis trying to do business in Panama.
    6. The protesters include most Harare telephone operators and communications technicians.
    7. At the Nomination Court on Tuesday, Harare City Councillor Ephraim Masawi gave notice he will represent the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union (Patriotic Front).
    8. The crash happened late Thursday near Rutenga, about 260 miles south of Harare, the Herald reported.
    9. The aides, however, said it was unclear whether an agreement between Moscow and Harare had been reached.
    10. The accident occurred near the mountain resort of Nyanga, about 180 miles east of Harare.
    11. "All the nightspots in Harare, we've been there," she says.
    12. In rugged bush 55 miles northeast of Harare, the capital, hundreds of panners carry alluvial sand to the water's edge from a maze of unpropped shafts recklessly burrowed 50 feet or more into the bank of the Nyaguwe River.
    13. This week's summit in Harare is timed to capitalize on recent peace accords reached between Pretoria and two neighbors, the former Portuguese colonies of Angola and Mozambique.
    14. Offences range from the razing of a Lagos slum in 1990 which left thousands of families homeless, to preventing a civil rights lawyer from attending last October's Commonwealth conference in Harare.
    15. One of the rhinos broke a horn during the trip from Harare by way of Frankfurt, West Germany.
    16. The trial of Oluromiti Joseph, 28, who is married to a Nigerian High Commission diplomat, opened in Harare on Tuesday, The Herald reported.
    17. SWAPO president Sam Nujoma told a news conference in Harare, Zimbabwe, that group officials told him at least 48 civilians also had been killed in the confrontations, and many others had been wounded.
    18. That showed me that I could live with these guys.' For Don and Velia their proudest moment was in 1986 when Byron, aged 17, had beat the experienced Nigerian Tour player, N'duka Odizor, in a Davis Cup tie in Harare.
    19. Pope John Paul II arrived in Harare today on the first leg of a pilgrimage to five black-ruled nations bordering racially-troubled South Africa.
    20. The attack was the second cross-border raid by Mozambique National Resistance geurrillas into Zimbabwe's Mount Darwin area in four weeks, said the Sunday Mail, which is published in Harare by the state-owned Mass Media Trust.
    21. Not even radical change in South Africa was enough to lay the sanctions issue to rest in Harare in 1991. Britain still bears the scars.
    22. Although Harare conceals the true cost of its 12,000 soldiers now fighting alongside Frelimo, it is estimated at as much as $350 million a year, depriving the country of scarce foreign exchange.
    23. A summit of Portuguese-speaking African states convenes in Harare on Wednesday, and the leaders of a nine-nation economic alliance of Southern African nations will meet Thursday.
    24. Tambo is in Harare for a 3-day conference of West European parliamentarians on apartheid.
    25. On the flight to Harare, the prime minister said she had told South Africa she would meet with any ministers who happened to be in Europe, according to Press Association, Britian's domestic news agency.
    26. One restaurant in Harare reserves four tables for non-smokers.
    27. Nov. 14 The Herald of Harare, Zimbabwe, on the Gulf crisis: War is now inevitable in the Persian Gulf, if only because the foreign forces have to seek justification for having been deployed there in the first place.
    28. He said the Soviet Union was waiting for results of a meeting scheduled Aug. 15 on the Cambodian question between five countries. Indonesia, Zimbabwe, India, Cuba and Vietnam are scheduled to meet in Harare, Zimbabwe.
    29. Pro-government media seized upon some of the pope's comments en route to Harare, Zimbabwe, on Saturday and suggested that he had repudiated Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
    30. Police uncovered a cache of weapons and explosives buried on a white-owned farm near Harare, a newspaper reported Tuesday.
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