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 goddamn ['gɑd'dæm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 该死的, 完全的, 十足的, 讨厌的

  1. Jenny: It's the goddamn truth.
  2. R: Goddamn it. I hate side quests.
  3. K: Goddamn it, what did you do to my wife?

[ adv ]
  1. extremely

  2. <adv.all>
    you are goddamn right!
[ adj ]
  1. used as expletives

  2. <adj.all>
    oh, damn (or goddamn)!
  3. expletives used informally as intensifiers

  4. <adj.all>
    he's a blasted idiot
    it's a blamed shame
    a blame cold winter
    not a blessed dime
    I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing
    he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool
    a deuced idiot
    an infernal nuisance

goddam \god"dam\ goddamn \god"damn\ goddamned \god"damned\adj.
A more intense and vulgar form of {darned}; -- often taken as
profane and offensive. [vulgar]

Syn: blasted, blessed, damn, darned, deuced.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. "Am I in a Zionist state or am I in America?" said Barghout. "This is a Zionist place, I tell you, a goddamn Zionist place." The conviction cst Barghout $500 in fines plus court costs.
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