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 Goddard ['gɔdə:d]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 戈达德

  1. Goddard quickly began to work on plans for bigger rockets.
  2. So, in a way, every rocket that flies today is a Goddard rocket.
  3. Robert Goddard received a special honor many years after his death.

[ noun ]
United States physicist who developed the first successful liquid-fueled rocket (1882-1945)

  1. Discovery and its five astronauts will follow the telescope while controllers at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., make sure Hubble is operating properly, such as responding to directional commands.
  2. However, similar heat waves and droughts can be expected much more often as a result of future warming, said James E. Hansen, a climatologist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City.
  3. Richard Mushotzky, an astronomer at the Goddard Space Center in Maryland, said the work may help solve one of the underlying mysteries in astronomy.
  4. With that experience in mind, he says, he insisted that EOS be run from a single center, Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.
  5. The Browns had the means to change the interior decor every 20 or so years, but the desk always remained." The desk for years had received little more notoriety than Goddard himself.
  6. Robert Jastrow, former director of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, questions both the accuracy of those models and the assumption that increasing greenhouse gases have already caused warming.
  7. Psychiatrist Carole Lieberman was retained by "Captain Power" Executive Producer Gary Goddard after she independently studied the program and complained about its violent content.
  8. Former Phoenix mayor Terry Goddard was shown to be well ahead of Dave Moss, his opponent in next week's Democratic primary.
  9. The four astronomers aboard will operate the ultraviolet telescopes, while the X-ray telescope will be managed at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.
  10. Symington received about 4,200 more votes than Goddard but fell short of an absolute majority because minor candidates received more than 11,000 write-in votes.
  11. Andrew Lacis, a climate modeler at Goddard, says his institute has analyzed temperatures from about 1,000 ground stations spread over the globe and compared it with past data.
  12. "The problem is we're caught in this terrible budget crunch; decisions are being made by a budget committee which is not that familiar with the space program," he said at the Goddard Space Flight Center.
  13. The former governor said he would back the millionaire developer because he would be better than Democratic nominee Terry Goddard.
  14. The legal tangle began when Symington outpolled Goddard by about 4,000 votes in November's election but did not get the required majority to succeed Democratic Gov. Rose Mofford, who did not run this year.
  15. In its first day in space, that checkout and testing continued remotely under control of the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.
  16. Symington and his Democratic opponent, Terry Goddard, praised the court's decision Tuesday and said they looked forward to the runoff.
  17. Dr. James E. Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, told the panel that OMB forced him to contradict his findings that the so-called greenhouse effect will increase the likelihood of drought.
  18. Fiscally speaking, when John Goddard died his shirt didn't quite meet his pants.
  19. "Darpa is supposed to develop hardware, and we're supposed to use their hardware," says James Fischer, a computer researcher at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
  20. There does seem to have been a warming over the last 100 years, but too much uncertainty remains about the causes of that change to justify immediate government action, said Robert Jastrow, former head of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
  21. Goddard said the municipal leaders identified $14 billion in requests for additional federal spending that they want from Congress and the Bush administration.
  22. On the Democratic side, Goddard held commanding leads in money, organization and polls over Moss, a former businessman.
  23. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center paid $45,000 for 47 managers to attend three sessions conducted by Mr. Erhard and two associates.
  24. Goddard gets along well with the Republican establishment, is popular statewide and can raise money quickly if he is perceived as the likely winner, said Democrat Alan Stephens, the Senate's minority leader.
  25. A poll published by the Arizona Republic says Goddard received 44 percent in the poll to Symington's 38 percent.
  26. NASA also is expected to buy $100 million of workstations for its Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.
  27. "Going into a (legislative) session and not having a governor sworn in is a little scary," Goddard said.
  28. Newport also had a family tribe of Quakers named Townsend and Goddard.
  29. Goddard said during the broadcast that the United States might have to adopt an intensive program such as that used in Japanese schools.
  30. Stothers, of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., compared the dates of recorded strong volcanic eruptions between 1500 and 1980.
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