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 godfather ['gɒdfɑ:ðә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 教父

vt. 当教父

  1. Godfather, I don't know what to do.
  2. Close shot The godfather starts to weep.
  3. How does my Godfather know I won't win it?

[ noun ]
  1. any man who serves as a sponsor for a child at baptism

  2. <noun.person>
  3. someone having a relation analogous to that of a male sponsor to his godchild

  4. <noun.person>

Godfather \God"fa`ther\, n. [AS. godf[ae]der. Cf. {Gossip}.]
A man who becomes sponsor for a child at baptism, and makes
himself a surety for its Christian training and instruction.
Correlative of {godmother}.

There shall be for every Male-child to be baptized,
when they can be had, two Godfathers and one Godmother;
and for every Female, one Godfather and two Godmothers;
and Parents shall be admitted as Sponsors, if it is
desired. --Book of
Common Prayer
(Prot. Episc.
Ch., U. S. ).

Godfather \God"fa`ther\, v. t.
To act as godfather to; to take under one's fostering care.
[R.] --Burke.

  1. To the villagers of St Estephe, Christian Thieblot must seem like a fairy godfather.
  2. Some of his erstwhile close aides, including Alexander Yakovlev, a longtime Gorbachev confidant and the godfather of glasnost, have quit the party in disgust recently, calling it "unreformable."
  3. He says Jackson told him: "Turn on the heat, and don't ever turn it off." In 1972, Sharpton met James Brown, the self-proclaimed godfather of soul music.
  4. He was like their godfather." Avril dismissed the four officers the day after a visit to Haiti by Richard Melton, a deputy assistant secretary of state.
  5. When Tom Peters and Robert Waterman were consultant colleagues in McKinsey & Co's organisation practice in the 1970s, Waterman played godfather to Peters, the brilliant but reckless junior.
  6. "We're not the hub, like some people say, but we are certainly one of the spokes," said Stan Prosen, a consultant in Winona known as an industry godfather for his work in 1963 on a carbon fiber-laced `O' ring used to develop the Polaris missile.
  7. She has added a political touch, if no less controversy, to a group whose godfather is S.I. Hayakawa, the linguist and former senator from California.
  8. The child's mother, Serina Hinde, had asked Vander Zalm to become the boy's godfather because of his strong views against abortion.
  9. Despite his past, he enjoys the support of many citizens, has been named godfather at many local baptisms and is invited to weddings, residents say.
  10. Here an interracial love affair (Kelly's with his black girlfriend), there a crumbling marriage (Keitel's with his end-of-phone wife), somewhere else the wit and wisdom of a veteran 'godfather' (Terence Rigby).
  11. Suspects in the slayings have said they killed at the demand of Adolfo de Jesus Constanzo, whom they called "godfather."
  12. Alvarez, head of the military from 1982 to 1984, played godfather to the Contras.
  13. Before Douglas Gerwitz was 24 hours old, he had been taken from his mother, found 170 miles away by a police officer who happened to be his godfather, and sent back to his parents.
  14. As police closed in, a group member shot and killed cult "godfather" Adolfo de Jesus Constanzo and his right-hand man on the order of Constanzo himself, according to two of those arrested and Mexican authorities.
  15. Also Friday, Pablo Escobar, the billionaire godfather of Colombia's cocaine traffickers, denied government accusations he was ordered the killing Thursday of the candidate, Bernardo Jaramillo of the Patriotic Union Party.
  16. He knows a bit about that subject: He is sometimes referred to as the godfather of IBM's original personal computer.
  17. Gore called it a "shakedown" by a "godfather"-like "cable Cosa Nostra" in which any new programming source first must get approval from a half-dozen major cable operators before it can even think of proceeding.
  18. Cult "godfather" Adolfo de Jesus Constanzo reportedly ordered himself and follower Martin Quintana Rodriguez killed as police closed in on the Mexico City apartment.
  19. Suarez Gomez, 56, is wanted in Miami on drug trafficking charges and has been called by authorities the "godfather" of Bolivia's illegal cocaine trade and a major supplier of drugs to the Medellin, Colombia, drug cartel.
  20. Dick is like a godfather to all of us."
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