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 frostbite ['frɔst`baɪt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 冻伤, 冻疮

vt. 被霜伤害, 使冻伤

[医] 冻疮

  1. She is suffering from frostbite on her ears.
  2. She was fighting off the numbness of frostbite.
  3. If the frostbite is only superficial, new skin will form.

[ noun ]
destruction of tissue by freezing and characterized by tingling, blistering and possibly gangrene

Frostbite \Frost`bite"\, v. t.
To expose to the effect of frost, or a frosty air; to blight
or nip with frost.

My wife up and with Mrs. Pen to walk in the fields to
frostbite themselves. --Pepys.

Frostbite \Frost"bite\, n.
The freezing, or effect of a freezing, of some part of the
body, as the ears, fingers, toes, or nose. Severe frostbite
can lead to the loss of fingers or toes. --Kane.

  1. Gloves weren't removed for fear of frostbite. 'I'm not turning back now,' said John. 'Nor I' We stood on the summit ridge of McKinley at about 9pm.
  2. Rugged mushers and their teams of 12 to 20 eager dogs brave blizzards, wild animals, frostbite and 1,000 miles of sled-busting trail.
  3. The 3,600 black soldiers who endured frostbite, mosquitoes and the unsetting summer sun to build the Alaska Highway nearly 50 years ago also were never recognized for their work, two professors say.
  4. Mr. Lewis filed suit, insisting Maxine suffered frostbite because Sea World didn't heat the aviary soon enough.
  5. (He worries about frostbite of the penis - hence the play's title). They gravely recite the manual's absurd and complicated instructions for dealing with the situation.
  6. Fant told reporters in August his source "has been in touch with a person who saw a bent old man at the labor camp who was being treated for frostbite on his right foot.
  7. A Canadian-Soviet research team has completed nearly a fifth of its 1,100-mile trek across the Arctic with only the anticipated problems like frostbite and blisters, its spokeswoman said Monday.
  8. The worst injury in the six previous classes at Arctic Village involved a Special Forces sergeant who suffered serious frostbite to nine toes.
  9. Lancaster suffered broken bones, bruises and frostbite but Southampton General Hospital said it expected to discharge him Wednesday.
  10. He suffered frostbite because of cold at the high altitude from which he started.
  11. When the body's internal temperature falls below normal, it shuts off blood flow and heat to the extremities, which is why hands and feet are the first casualties of frostbite.
  12. "I'm enjoying the warmth," said Buxton, who lost the tip of one toe to frostbite and suffered from exposure but emerged otherwise unscathed.
  13. Elsa and Alfredo had to be evacuated by helicopter to Kathmandu, with Elsa facing the amputation of a finger due to frostbite. Carlos and Wanda decided to make a second attempt.
  14. The homeless seek treatment for such ills as frostbite and rotted feet similar to soldiers who suffered trench foot, a disease caused by prolonged exposure to wet, cold and inactivity.
  15. About 50 people were injured, including about 15 firefighters, some of whom also suffered frostbite.
  16. The mother of a 9-year-old girl who lost her lower legs to frostbite last winter after being locked in an unheated apartment was sentenced today to 14 years in prison for felony child neglect.
  17. Behind the tents, a spur of rock rose steeply towards Pik Maxim Gorky, where some of Nikolai's proteges were in training for a climbing competition. Lacking money, Russian climbers pay heavily for their thrills in both lives and frostbite.
  18. Fifty others died of frostbite, pneumonia and starvation.
  19. That decision may have prevented lawsuits over frostbite.
  20. A Canadian-Soviet ski expedition across the Arctic ice cap battled high winds, rough terrain and frostbite to complete a 1,200-mile trek from Siberia to the northern edge of Canada.
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