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 frostfish ['frɒstfiʃ添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 大西洋小鳕

    Frostfish \Frost`fish"\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
    (a) The tomcod; -- so called because it is abundant on the
    New England coast in autumn at about the commencement
    of frost. See {Tomcod}.
    (b) The smelt. [Local, U. S.]
    (c) A name applied in New Zealand to the scabbard fish
    ({Lepidotus}) valued as a food fish.

    Scabbard \Scab"bard\, n. [OE. scaubert, scauberk, OF. escaubers,
    escauberz, pl., scabbards, probably of German or Scan.
    origin; cf. Icel. sk[=a]lpr scabbard, and G. bergen to
    conceal. Cf. {Hauberk}.]
    The case in which the blade of a sword, dagger, etc., is
    kept; a sheath.

    Nor in thy scabbard sheathe that famous blade.

    {Scabbard fish} (Zo["o]l.), a long, compressed,
    silver-colored t[ae]nioid fish ({Lepidopus argyreus} syn.
    {Lepidopus caudatus}), found on the European coasts, and
    more abundantly about New Zealand, where it is called
    {frostfish} and considered an excellent food fish.

    Tomcod \Tom"cod`\, n. [Tom (see {Tomboy}) + cod: cf. F. tacaud
    whiting pout, American Indian tacaud, literally, plenty
    fish.] (Zo["o]l.)
    (a) A small edible American fish ({Microgadus tomcod}) of the
    Codfish family, very abundant in autumn on the Atlantic
    coast of the Northen United States; -- called also
    {frostfish}. See Illust. under {Frostfish}.
    (b) The kingfish. See {Kingfish}
    (a) .
    (c) The jack. See 2d {Jack}, 8.
    (c) .

    cutlass fish \cutlass fish\, cutlassfish \cutlassfish\n.
    1. (Zo["o]l.) a peculiar, long, thin, marine fish
    ({Trichiurus lepturus}) of the southern United States and
    West Indies, having a long whiplike scaleless body and
    sharp daggerlike teeth; -- called also {frostfish}, {saber
    fish}, {silver eel}, and, improperly, {swordfish}; also,
    several related members of the genus {Trichiurus}. It is
    closely related to snake mackerel.

    Syn: frost fish, frostfish, hairtail.
    [1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

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