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 enhancement [in'hɑ:nsmənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 提高, 美化, 增进, 增强, 增加

[计] 增强, 加强, 提高, 充实

[经] 涨价, 提高, 增加

  1. Vitamins: For use only as nutrient or enhancement.
  2. Many psionic weapons only have enhancement bonuses.
  3. Enhancement in the animation engine computation speed.

[ noun ]
an improvement that makes something more agreeable

Enhancement \En*hance"ment\, n.
The act of increasing, or state of being increased;
augmentation; aggravation; as, the enhancement of value,
price, enjoyments, crime.

  1. This time the New York investor said he wants to meet next Tuesday to discuss the "enhancement of shareholder values," and said he is being advised by PaineWebber Inc.
  2. Analysts have also speculated that the Soviets might be interested in buying wheat through the export enhancement program.
  3. We must admit our weakness and move on to get professional training in the areas of speechmaking, interviews and image enhancement.
  4. Advocates also say flexibility would permit more crop rotation and the advantages of natural fertility enhancement instead of high reliance on commercial fertilizers and other chemicals.
  5. It has bailed nobody out, it will get its new offices cheaper, and some future landowner will surely regard a large contribution to the tube line as a prudent investment in value enhancement.
  6. In its brochure, CTU claims it offers courses to police agencies or corporate security organizations in hostage rescue, shooting enhancement, protective security, anti-terrorism and defensive driving.
  7. Terms of Endowment I'll never ask my boss again For a pay raise or advancement; I'll seek an added worker's fee, Or perhaps a check enhancement.
  8. GRAINS & SOYBEANS: Wheat futures prices fell as the Agriculture Department denied rumors that China is preparing to import one million metric tons, or about 36.7 million bushels, of U.S. wheat under the federal export enhancement program.
  9. It also said it remains "highly interested" in Major and continues to believe it could "provide significant value enhancement" for Major's holders.
  10. There is a 13% cash collateral account as a credit enhancement.
  11. Both its cost base and its depreciation rate must look unnaturally high to Siebe, so there is plenty of room for margin enhancement, even if some of it is cosmetic. Yet for all this, the acquisition is not exactly a quantum leap.
  12. This enabled the reduction of pulse wavelengths from metres to centimetres, which in turn enabled considerable extension and enhancement of radar's abilities.
  13. This is what EDS is working on. 'What EDS has done is take over the monitoring and enhancement of the system. We have all the information - we need the applications to put it together to make distribution more efficient,' says Strand.
  14. "Don't believe that I can exercise the drug interdiction role as an enhancement to our readiness and training," said a senior officer with the military's southern command, based in Panama City.
  15. He says this could range from "outright forgiveness" of debt for worst-case countries to long-term rescheduling and "enhancement" of remaining debt, which might permit banks to avoid huge write-downs on loans to these nations.
  16. With computer enhancement, the images are clearer.
  17. It's not difficult to draw the conclusion which farmers are more supported." He cited a recent increase in the U.S. export enhancement program under which nearly 12 million tons of cut-rate wheat was sold to the Soviet Union in the past year.
  18. We agree that the protection and enhancement of the environment is essential.
  19. The drought, some experts believe, will force the administration to cut back on the so-called export enhancement program.
  20. And both the economic benefits and enhancement of the U.S. competitive position, which will result from a more speedy approval process, deserve consideration as well.
  21. But AST said IBM dropped its objection to AST's use of the names Rampage/2 and Advantage/2 for AST's new enhancement board products for the IBM Personal System 2 family of computers.
  22. It will not be in our lifetimes that Americans fall for the sort of relaxed life enhancement that regular consumption of good-value wine can offer.
  23. Operation Stronghold also demonstrates a successful property-rights approach to environmental enhancement.
  24. Joanne Limbach Tax Commissioner, State of Ohio Columbus, Ohio Among elected officials, the phrase "revenue enhancement" is often a euphemism for raising taxes.
  25. "The result could be a reduction, rather than an enhancement, in the value of the company as a whole."
  26. There was "a dramatic improvement in the quality of earnings stemming from both significant enhancement of domestic credit quality and tight expense control," said Thomas Hanley, managing director of Salomon Brothers Inc.
  27. "The export enhancement program has undergone some criticism anyway.
  28. "This is the first measurement of a clearly significant enhancement in UV radiation reaching the ground that is linked to human impact on the ozone layer," reported John E. Frederick of the University of Chicago.
  29. Southern is one of the few water companies to enjoy earnings enhancement from its non-regulated businesses.
  30. But just from what I've read, I'd say it's a setback to peace rather than an enhancement of peace.
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