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 enharmonic [`ɛnhɑr'mɑnɪk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 小于半音的, 异名同音的

    Enharmonic \En`har*mon"ic\ ([e^]n`h[.a]r*m[o^]n"[i^]k),
    Enharmonical \En`har*mon"ic*al\ ([e^]n`h[.a]r*m[o^]n"[i^]*kal),
    a. [Gr. 'enarmoniko`s, 'enarmo`nios fitting, accordant; 'en
    in + "armoni`a harmony: cf. F. enharmonique.]
    1. (Anc. Mus.) Of or pertaining to that one of the three
    kinds of musical scale (diatonic, chromatic, enharmonic)
    recognized by the ancient Greeks, which consisted of
    quarter tones and major thirds, and was regarded as the
    most accurate.

    2. (Mus.)
    (a) Pertaining to a change of notes to the eye, while, as
    the same keys are used, the instrument can mark no
    difference to the ear, as the substitution of A[flat]
    for G[sharp].
    (b) Pertaining to a scale of perfect intonation which
    recognizes all the notes and intervals that result
    from the exact tuning of diatonic scales and their
    transposition into other keys.

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