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 enhancer [in'hɑ:nsə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[化] 增强子

  1. That's so- call flavor enhancer.
  2. The name of the game is to keep winning. That is the best recipe and best energy-enhancer of all time, winning. We can handle that.
  3. Flavor enhancer acidity agent and sweetening agent which are in need of fermented chilli were determined through a serial experiments. Then, the best flavor prescription was determined through orthogonal experiment.

[ noun ]
anything that serves by contrast to call attention to another thing's good qualities
pretty girls like plain friends as foils

Enhancer \En*han"cer\, n.
One who enhances; one who, or that which, raises the amount,
price, etc.

  1. Mr. Baldwin said that all the agency's potential downgrades of asset-backed issues stem entirely from concern about the credit enhancer, not about the quality of the assets themselves.
  2. Oil companies favor MTBE because it has been used as an octane enhancer since the early 1980s, said Levine.
  3. Lewis Galoob Toys gained 7/8 to 5. The toy maker claimed victory in a lawsuit with Nintendo of America, clearing the way for Galoob to ship its new Genie video game enhancer. Nintendo said it would appeal the ruling.
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